Example sentences of "when [pron] is [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 When your skin becomes damaged by sunburn it loses heat and moisture more easily and when it is extensive then sunstroke follows when someone is dehydrated and lacking salt .
2 When she is finished and suitably stunning , regally stunning , I am disappointed .
3 However when she is heeling and lurching her way to windward the aggregate of the tensions in the shrouds and stays which support the masts is comparable to the ship 's displacement and may thus amount to several thousand tons .
4 Tantrums at this time are common when she is thwarted and she hits out at people and objects when they do not bend to her will .
5 With value-added tax , and the other charges made when something is bought and sold , things are comparatively easy .
6 It is a great achievement for any Scot to win an Olympic Gold Medal , no matter when it is achieved and no matter in which event .
7 The transitional period for a company will begin when it is privatised and will be at least six months and up to 16 months .
8 ‘ The freedom to travel independently is taken for granted by most of us and only assumes its real importance when it is limited or even removed , ’ said a spokesman .
9 They did not often fish for them deliberately , for a coelacanth fights hard when it is hooked and a man might have to struggle with one of them for many hours before it could be hauled on board his canoe .
10 It is a very healthy job , although it does have its drawbacks , when it is raining or snowing .
11 I notice the difference on those occasions when it is raining and I wear a hat .
12 ‘ After all when it is said and done ,
13 And it also enjoys the magical flexibility of a workforce which is there when it is needed and simply vanishes when it is n't .
14 In these cases , the absolute privilege attaches only to the maker of the statement : when it is reported or broadcast , the organisation which does so is protected by a privilege which is qualified and not absolute .
15 Feedback is easier to accept if you can do something constructive once you have got it ; if you know how to develop yourself , you are more likely to welcome feedback when it is offered and also more likely to solicit it actively .
16 The Revenue has confirmed that interest credited to the income account will constitute taxable income in the beneficiary 's hands ( either when it is credited in the case of a life tenant , or when it is paid or applied for the benefit of a discretionary beneficiary ) .
17 Thus , unlike the others , the mountain goat does not have to walk continuously on the sides of its hooves : when it is leaping or running , the side of the hoof will give , bringing a much greater area of the toe into contact with the ground and greatly increasing the animal 's ability to keep a grip on the icy rock .
18 But he gets very angry if they come up to him in a restaurant when he is eating or if he is busy talking to someone else , ’ says Marci .
19 And Hywel will go without a word , and when he is gone and the house is silent Elizabeth will creep to the telephone and she will pick it up and it will ring in another empty house because Dr Wyn has gone to the Fair .
20 Prose is Parolles ' natural medium , and when he is captured and blindfolded , apparently by the enemy , moving up to verse reveals his desperation : ‘ O , let me live , /And all the secrets of our camp I 'll show ’ ( IV.i.69ff. , 83ff . )
21 A human being needs to be able to make himself understood not only when he is shopping or buying a railway ticket , but also when he is expressing his feelings , explaining a principle ( of morals or mechanics ) , or when he is arguing about politics .
22 Mr Tholen , who retires at the end of this month as chairman of Darlington Health Authority , is a dapper man of 67 who is never seen without a carnation in his lapel except , he says , when he is shooting or flying .
23 In certain rites and ceremonies the Phoenix Guard attend the Phoenix King , most notably when he is chosen and enters the flame eternal in the shrine to mark his rebirth as the new king .
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