Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] [that] his " in BNC.

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1 Maureen was upset when she heard that his leave was postponed but the rest of the family thought it better for their mother that she still had Joe 's leave to look forward to , so Maureen said nothing .
2 She turned and was about to deck him when she realized that his needler was aimed at her stomach .
3 The Prime Minister will no doubt have noticed the interesting exception that President Bush made in his state of the union message to Congress , when he said that his Government were too big and spent too much .
4 No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he glanced anxiously about , his unattractive features relaxing when he saw that his words had fallen only on his stepson 's ears .
5 FA chief executive Graham Kelly last night ended a day of speculation about Taylor 's future when he insisted that his position is not up for discussion .
6 The marked change in Sherman 's demeanour when he realized that his request was not going to be granted was dramatic .
7 Prudent and orderly , uncompromising in his views on life and art , and instinctively reserved in a postwar world which contradicted them extensively , Frampton was a man of humour , courtesy , and charm , who unbent when he sensed that his deep feeling for beauty , order , and sound technique was shared .
8 Scholte changed his tune when he heard that his customer was the son of a clergyman in Nuenen .
9 When he heard that his brother had returned and had been welcomed back he was angry .
10 Vortai would scream bloody murder when he heard that his herds were being culled .
11 Initially , the Italian government declined to become involved , but Mussolini relented when he heard that his principal rivals in the Mediterranean , the French , were going to aid the Republic .
12 This principle is also the explanation underlying the famous experiments of Cleve Backster , when he discovered that his house plants responded by changes in their electrical activity not only to actual physical abuse , but also to his mental intention to abuse them .
13 Was it simply incoherence on his part when he suggested that his ‘ science of history ’ , even though it allows for differentiated histories , still demands to be considered within a general concept of history ?
14 However , he was persuaded to stay in England when he considered that his poor state of health probably would not have allowed him to survive the hardship of a long sea voyage in those days .
15 When he found that his theory exactly predicted the path of Mercury , he was beside himself with happiness for days .
16 He did not complain when he found that his sleeping place had been claimed by another player ; nor when Garvey told him to wash the mud off the wagon wheelrims , and forbad him or Izzie ever to speak a word to Gabriel .
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