Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I remembered the first days in New York when I ran like a wild animal set free from a cage .
2 For instance when in a dream she was conducted by me over a market garden in Aegina , one could guess that she had been reading Angus Wilson 's The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot , in which a market garden figures ; or when I dreamed of a detective novel by her , with a detective bearing her own name and very uncharacteristically dressed there were signs of my addiction to the detective novels of Gladys Mitchell .
3 At least back when I lived in a hole I knew everything there was to know about living in a hole , and now it 's a year later and I 'm at a place so far away I do n't even know how far away it is , watching something I do n't understand go to a place so far up there is no down .
4 And when I t when I got on a Friday and and paid me wages over to me Mum , which was natural for you to do , I always got th thre three pennies back .
5 Tom and Terry , but especially Terry , wanted to know everything about us immediately : where we 'd been to school ; what we 'd studied ; the history of the British constitution , or lack of it from an American point of view ; what the real situation was in Ireland ; why did n't Brian hit me when I responded to a proffered cigarette with , ‘ Fuck off out of my life , you wheedling Irish bastard ’ ?
6 There was a good hotel , too , but when I braked to a halt in front of it and suggested stopping there , Ward shook his head , muttering something about our still having two hundred miles to go and the coastal cordillera of the Andes to cross .
7 Recently I was in an equipment shop when I chanced upon a climbing friend .
8 Someone who would smile when I walked into a room , look pleased that I had come home — not because they wanted something from me , but because I was me .
9 It struck me as incongruous when I heard of a parish church , in a commuter town south of London , which was to enact a nativity play .
10 When I became in a conscious way feminist I pondered long what it meant that a woman could not in such a way depict Christ as being in her image .
11 I had already gathered from the groom that Sir John had not left so , when I came to a small copse of trees , I took my horse deep inside , hobbled it and sat on a boulder .
12 The other day I was out on the hill when I came upon a herd of four stags , and I shot five of them , just as easy as that . ’
13 I recently spring cleaned my lovely home , as one is inclined to do now and again , when I came upon a pile of old magazines which had been in the house for years .
14 I have to report , though , that it was here my own trust in the French as the most obdurately literate of all nations was dented when I went into a bookshop and asked if they had a copy of the Song of Roland .
15 I discovered this painfully myself when I went as a visitor to a beautifully equipped laboratory to work on learning in rhesus monkeys .
16 I learned that when I went to a conference at Sheffield .
17 Oh yeah , yes , when I went , when I went to a , when I was in India I went to have a , cos I went , I went , I was in the singles section then , in Colchester , and I went out , and I went , not I went to a licence agent first , and then I went to the headquarters , Signals there , and the bloke I remembered best of all , I think , was oh Cakey , his name was and his initials were Cakey .
18 And there was prejudice once when I went for a job .
19 But er I did go with Con when I went for a perm she said oh would you like to , would you like to go and see Valerie
20 They looked at me apprehensively when I asked for a drink of cider or wine .
21 If the code is kept under review , is there any intention to issue an updated version with any alterations to the 1987 edition which is the one that was supplied to me when I asked for a copy ?
22 ‘ The guides claimed to have taken us to the edge of the Sahara but when I looked on a map it was the Atlas mountains , the bastards . ’
23 When I looked in a mirror , I could n't believe it .
24 I was nurturing this comforting thought when I turned into a large assembly room with numbered doors leading from it .
25 I mean when I started with a shop in Harlow what , erm , nearly twenty five
26 When I worked as a primary school teacher I sometimes retrieved that feeling with a particular clarity , walking between the tables on the hard floor , all the little looms working but needing my constant adjustment .
27 ‘ I remember being fascinated by the story when I worked for a while in the Royal Library .
28 In this environment my overall feelings of job satisfaction as defined by Warr ( 1987 ) were greater than when I worked in a more traditional nursing culture — a point substantiated by Beardshaw and Robinson 's ( 1990 ) work .
29 I saw the virtue of her advice most clearly when I stayed with a girlfriend a few weeks ago .
30 When I trained as a reader , I had to write essays on a range of Biblical subjects , and then discuss them with a tutor .
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