Example sentences of "take place [conj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The function of the impartial mediator or conciliator may be described as to act as a catalyst to ensure that negotiation does take place and that the issues are confronted and as a facilitator to enable an agreement which both parties can perceive to be fair .
2 Can she please tell us when this demise will take place and when the new transport working party will be convened .
3 And given the political sensitivity of so much of our work , it is under the secretary general 's guidance that difficult discussions on strengthening the movement 's development and human rights awareness programmes must take place and where the final green light must be given for increasingly complex initiatives to intensify public pressure on governments .
4 This may indicate that no final reconciliation could take place until after the payment had been made .
5 Prime Minister Guy Razanamasy on July 30 said that he had been made aware of the imminent attempt the day before it took place and that a " foreign power " was responsible .
6 The ‘ Pages per File ’ should be entered as a decimal number ; note that 0 should be used to indicate that no file splitting is to take place and that the default is 500 pages per file .
7 Equally , it is important to know where the manufacturing and design processes take place and whether the vendor packages the paperclips itself or sub-contracts this service externally .
8 Pupils with little or no sight need the opportunity to explore the classroom , not only for reasons of access and safety but also to find out where the key activities take place and where the objects needed for their work and play are kept .
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