Example sentences of "take [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , their daily search for food takes them on journeys requiring considerable navigation skills , and their time sense helps them here as well .
2 They 'd sometimes er take them in vans depending where they lived and how many of them , but where there was a single one two police used to escort him , and they escorted him what , where we what they call the viaduct .
3 The Sett Valley Trail will take you along paths created from disused railway lines , past unspoilt villages and through areas of fascinating wildlife .
4 I 've got some supermarket , and er , a bar , and this alsatian dog that Margot wanted to er take it through customs to look after it .
5 In reply to Kate Westwood 's letter in the February issue , why does she not join together with other knitters or any other craft makers and open a small shop , selling other people 's crafts on commission ? they could take it in turns looking after it .
6 They would then take it in turns to piece together each others jigsaw , guaranteed to keep them happy for years .
7 They 'll take it in turns to man the winches … and wheel and cook in the galley …
8 ‘ Then we can take it in turns visiting each other ! ’
9 Being a Saturday morning the library was full of children quietly selecting their books , taking them into corners to try them out before deciding which to take home .
10 After examining women at senior executive level in the US she discovered that while men were annoyed by perpetual interruptions , women took them as opportunities to cement relationships , commend staff and to learn.The ‘ ecology of leadership ’ as Helgerson labels it , promoted the long-term and sees daily events within a larger , historical and unfolding context .
11 It was one your uncle David brought up for me so that I could get take it to pieces to make the car we 'd got better .
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