Example sentences of "take [pers pn] [to-vb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It need take no longer than it takes you to interview a pupil and make a job offer .
2 I mean in the time is takes you to do a sketch you can draw accurately
3 did she not take you to have a look ?
4 How long would it take you to fire a gun ?
5 How long does it take you to consume a meal ?
6 I think you should take her to see a doctor .
7 " Ownership " is a word of many meanings , but in the present context we can take it to signify a title to a subject matter …
8 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
9 He took me to see a man who had the whole story .
10 When I was six my grandparents took me to see a film which I was told to observe closely because I would learn lessons about good behaviour and deportment from one of the juvenile characters .
11 He was then involved in civil defence and he took me to see a trial designed to show that air-raid shelters built to government specifications were death-traps .
12 He could n't dismiss the images , he could n't stay Time 's hand as it turned page after page of that memory-album until tears flooded his eyes at the scenes recalled : his mother , her brown hair screwed into a bun at the back of her head , taking him to see a house at Edgeworthstown where she said a famous woman writer had lived ; he had n't paid much attention , not being interested in books then , but when he grew older he read Maria Edgeworth 's novels and went again for himself to gaze at her home .
13 I will come for you tomorrow evening and take you to sign a confession in front of witnesses . ’
14 But later he had talked to her and she had told him how she , too , wanted , indeed was determined to be an actress one day , and he had looked quite serious , and offered to take her to watch a rehearsal and meet the cast .
15 When we talk of a ‘ mindless occupation ’ , for instance , I take it to describe a situation in which activity is possible without having to think and feel about the meaning of the relatedness between the person and whatever the objects are that he manipulates .
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