Example sentences of "take [adv] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
2 It then takes over the responsibility for verifying the design activity against activities and components already undertaken and designed .
3 Alec Stewart takes over the gloves for the World Cup , while Neil Fairbrother will deputise if necessary .
4 On August 11th , long-serving press relations officer at Sun Microsystems UK Ltd , Ellie Pendrich , is moving over to become European marketing and communications manager for SunPro , one of the SunTech enterprises : Alison Dendy takes over the role for the time being .
5 They will take on the responsibility for providing stock and glasses , experienced staff and will also obtain the necessary licence for the event .
6 Apart from dealing with the matter of the will if one was made , it may be agreed , if your parent wishes , that he should also take on the responsibility for contacting various persons and organisations : the bank , to arrange for money to be available to her pending the settlement of her husband 's affairs ; her husband 's employer and Trade Union branch secretary , or the secretary of any professional association to which he belonged ; his insurance company ; the Department of Health and Social Security , to obtain forms for claiming the death grant and the widow 's pension ; the Inland Revenue , if her husband was still paying income tax ; the Building Society , the mortgagor ( or landlord if she and her husband lived in rented property ) and any other person or organisation concerned .
7 There may well be a reputable graffiti artist in the area who would take on the challenge for little more than the cost of the materials !
8 Following the Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 , referred to earlier it is expected that local authorities will take over the responsibility for prosecuting persons for such offences , as Regulation 7 repeals s.78(3) of the 1974 Act which had required proceedings to be instituted by an inspector appointed under s. 19 of the Health and Safety at Work , etc .
9 By November 1948 , it was agreed that they could take over the responsibility for progressing work on the manufacture of plant and on-site construction from the Ministries of Supply and Works , and the following year they did so .
10 ‘ When , some time later , he and I discussed who might take over the responsibility for producing it I rejected the traditional drama types , who did the children 's serials , and said that I wanted somebody , full of vinegar , who 'd be prepared to break rules in doing the show .
11 A national health service should take over the provision for medical care in the old insurance scheme and effectively underpin the new one .
12 In 1988 T.R. Shipping took on the responsibility for the Rheintainer Line Agency in Northern Ireland .
13 In order to compensate for this the Borough Council took on the responsibility for payment of the Parish Clerk 's salary and the maintenance of parish playing fields .
14 I took on the management for Scullion and it was not an enjoyable experience .
15 Or , if your previous employer has gone out of business , the Occupational Pensions Advisory Service ( OPAS ) — see below — may be able to tell you who took over the responsibility for payment of pensions .
16 The VAT returns for the last quarter are due in , and that big ( very profitable ) convention which took over the hotel for three weeks last year is imminent but you ca n't get at your data .
17 When Jean-Claude took over the space for his piano , he found himself lugging the trunk into the light .
18 Morris translated sagas , the Irish took over the business for a few years ; Henry James led , or rather preceded , the novelists , and then the Britons resigned en bloc ; the language is now in the keeping of the Irish ( Yeats and Joyce ) ; apart from Yeats , since the death of Hardy , poetry is being written by Americans .
19 In fact , in a lot of cases where they took away the rights for
20 by taking away the responsibility for teachers to develop modules and activities
21 First , it is feared that it spoonfeeds individuals , taking away the incentive for personal provision , as with private insurance for sickness or old age .
22 The products of prisons are seen as taking over the market for the products of honest working men .
23 Mr Robinson took up the case for a majority of the Castlereagh firemen who left the Fire Service because they were not prepared to uproot their families and move to Carryduff .
24 A consistent feature of unpaid caring , demonstrated by all the available detailed studies , is that once a particular relative has taken on the responsibility for the care of an elderly or handicapped person they get rather limited support , if any , from other relatives or friends .
25 Thus evidence was taken on the need for the bill and why it was proposed to deal with problems in a particular way .
26 Palm have taken on the franchise for Dagger kayaks .
27 Welcome to Save The Children in Sutton Coldfield where children from school have taken over the shop for a day .
28 Sally the lass who 's taken over the buying for precision bearings , is a great lass got on great with her , and Richard .
29 By July 6 Mladenov 's own Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP — the renamed Bulgarian Communist Party ) had taken up the call for his resignation with an editorial in the party newspaper Duma .
30 On the other hand , when she had taken up the carpets for a dance for Algy and filled the house with sixteen-year-old boys from Harrow and Marlborough , she twitched to the thin soprano signals of public-school lust like a dog hearing the squeak of a rat in its sleep .
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