Example sentences of "take [pron] back [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Takes me back to Scampton .
2 Dragging open a curtain to reveal an advancing line of emaciated near-cadavers in filth-caked concentration camp uniforms , he takes you back to Auschwitz .
3 ‘ What takes you back to Britain in the middle of a war ? ’
4 The final phase of your initial training takes you back to HMS Raleigh where you will learn things that only the Navy can teach you , such as field cookery in areas of natural disaster and practical experience of bulk cookery in our large galleys .
5 His latest project takes him back to Hawaii , and Rick Batey finds out why …
6 If your saint is to remain here now , then even if Tutilo escapes the sheriff 's law , if Herluin takes him back to Ramsey they 'll make him pay through his skin for what he attempted and failed to bring to success .
7 A good example of how this perspective works takes us back to Pamela Fishman 's studies of ‘ interactional shitwork ’ .
8 But the plot takes us back to Paris and its police for the denouement of the story , and it is there that the real and menacing power is seen to reside .
9 In a haunting , slow-motion procession , with the nine-strong cast changing into costumes of mourning as they march , the production takes us back to Leontes 's tragic court .
10 Sloppy presentation returns on ‘ Great Choral Works ’ ( ) , a disc which takes us back to Canada in the company of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and — depending on whether you choose to believe the inner front cover of the disc or its back cover — either the Roy Thomson Hall Orchestra under Elmer Iseler ( with the Toronto SO under Andrew Davis contributing just one of the thirteen tracks ) or else the TSO/Davis throughout the whole disc .
11 This takes us back to Yablonsky 's useful distinctions .
12 Well you could take them back on Friday .
13 Then you can get him to help you take them back on Friday .
14 Yanto had hardly bothered to reduce speed as he had turned sharp left by Stone school into the narrow lane which would take them back to Berkeley .
15 ‘ We 'll fight them , but if we get your ship back for you , you must take me back to England . ’
16 On Sunday night the driver would take me back to Verona and Eric would somehow get to Rome , where he was going to be working .
17 We could spin round at the Lurgan turn-off if you 're furious , I could take you back to Moira ? ’
18 ‘ I 'd take you back to London , but I do n't think you 're in any fit state to go anywhere tonight , ’ he said .
19 Your coach will take you back to Schiphol Airport in time to visit one of the world 's greatest duty-free centres before boarding 8.30 p.m. flight back to Heathrow .
20 ‘ Let's take you back to Dresden .
21 there was this er butchers , and I went in there and I got some sausages , oh , er nobody said anything about these sausages I just thought well I 'd better take something back for Fred 's dinner so I went in and got these sausages , well they were the nicest sausages I 've ever tasted in my life
22 This , along with research for a new book which is ‘ under wraps at the moment ’ , will take him back to India for the next six months .
23 She could not take him back to America with her , he could not take her home .
24 I 'll take him back to Strelsau and you must get out of the country as fast as you can . ’
25 I 'll take it back on Monday then .
26 I can take it over there for the first service which is free anyway and I can take it back to Swansea for the others ca n't I ?
27 ‘ Knowing you 'd take it back to Jonas , ’ Travis countered .
28 Giving their decision , Lord Hope said strong reasons had been given for hearing what the children had to say without taking them back to Orkney .
29 Taking them back to Orkney , they felt , would have deprived them of the privacy they needed .
30 A few weeks ago a friend took me back to Dieniolen , near Bangor .
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