Example sentences of "take [pron] [adv prt] [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 Which takes me back to my opening images .
2 That takes me back to my nightmare .
3 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
4 ‘ Why do n't you take me back to my house and I 'll try some other way ? ’
5 Let me take you out in my boat , and show you where I catch my mero . ’
6 ‘ But you ca n't take him out of my head ! ’
7 ‘ I 'll take it up to my bedroom and you can listen to the radio in the sitting-room . ’
8 Well we 'll take it out of my salary .
9 I 'll take it out of my pound then
10 You can take it out of my wages !
11 ‘ And you did very successfully , until your mother saddled you with taking me back to my hotel . ’
12 Not one took me up on my offer to know more !
13 A dream I had not so long ago took me back to my first year in Vienna .
14 There was a split second of violent clattering as cannon shells hit the machine and then I was clear , and in a 270° turn which took me back across my flight path and into the safety of that wonderful cloud .
15 Mamma warned me that they were very rich , but I took them up to my room and stuffed the lot .
16 ‘ I 'm taking you back to my flat , not the Embassy .
17 Oh yeah these maintenance contracts are the lowest , I mean I took one out on my mum 's C D player because they 'd , they 'd had trouble with it , er multi play , turns out it was the stack one they had trouble with not that one , but it was only thirty quid for four years I mean
18 One of my friends was at Sherborne and speaks very posh — I took him back to my place for a drink one day and my dad was going , ‘ Dennis , listen to Tim , listen — go on , talk , say something ’ and my friend says , ‘ Well I do n't know what to say really , Mr Waterman , ’ and my dad says to me , ‘ Why do n't you talk like that , you could make a fortune . ’
19 She was hysterical and distraught and I took her through for my wife to comfort her before telephoning the police . ’
20 And I remember taking it out of my pocket and showing it to Basil and saying , now , this is the kind of thing I 'm interested in , as well as horses , because it gives me a feeling of English life .
21 The house was sold off and I ended up inheriting 12,000 dollars , so I went straight out and bought an AG 440 Ampex professional four track machine and took it up to my father 's coffee plant , and every night when he left I would drive up and work on Stevie 's and my songs .
22 So I took it out of my pocket and he said what was happened then ?
23 Yeah , I 'll have my one fifty there which I 'll have to , which I 'm going to take to town tomorrow night , because I took it out of my dad 's pocket , what he gives me
24 Yeah , I 'll have my one fifty there which I 'll have to , which I 'm going to take to town tomorrow night , because I took it out of my dad 's pocket , what he gives me
25 Maybe I mentioned about the fillings coming out on this side of my mouth and at the back , so I ca They took it out in my living room and hypnotized me to forget , hypnotized walking about in my sleep with it , to sleep , got me in the chair and done it , got out of the house , programmed me to go to that dentist in , which I did do instead of going to Mr at .
26 So I took myself off to my billet , feeling bloody frustrated and edgy , might I add , and thence to bed , where I thought about it .
27 So , ignoring Mala 's reproaches , I took myself back to my cabin and the galacvid 's more entertaining screen material .
28 I could have taken you out in my dinghy . ’
29 Trying to decide whether to take them down off my windows and put some poles up .
30 There was no fear of his not knowing she did not like it either as , leaning back in his chair , he began easily , ‘ I propose , after much thought , ’ he added silkily , charm there in abundance , ‘ to … ’ he paused , and even smiled ‘ … to take you over as my girlfriend . ’
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