Example sentences of "know what it 's [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know what it 's satirising , but this is not a cartoon with superficial , naive characters . ’
2 ‘ Could she know what it 's thinking ? ’ asked Rohmer .
3 You … you do n't know what it 's costing me . ’
4 MIPS does n't know what it 's costing Texas Instruments to produce Sun 's Tsunami but based on its got on the silicon , MIPS is betting the margins are n't that great .
5 I like wearing the earphones cos you can hear what you 're picking up , when you do n't wear the earphones you do n't know what it 's picking up do you .
6 ‘ This job you are going to take — do you know what it 's going to be ? ’
7 No I I do n't know what it 's going to be about they have n't sent any information .
8 and I do n't know what it 's going to be
9 And the sketches and the readings take , er take us all through literature from the eighteenth century to present day , and they , they 're just readings and sketches from that , which I do n't , I have n't actually seen it and I do n't know what it 's going to be , but I 've every confidence that whatever Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones do , it will be quite superb in these events
10 I just do n't know what it 's gon na be like , er , so I think if we , well at ten o'clock , if we left at ten , we 've got twelve hours to get down there
11 There 's not a lot of evidence that the government really does know what it 's talking about when it comes to BSE .
12 Do you know what it 's doing to me , standing here seeing you in that robe and wondering just how much you 've got on under it ?
13 I said , ‘ I know what it 's trying to tell me .
14 Yeah , but we know where they 're getting it from , so we know what , we know what it 's costing them
15 ‘ I know what it 's doing , ’ he said .
16 Just from racing so long I know what it 's going to do most of the time so I can adjust the pressure on the handlebars and know how hard I can drive it into the pavement .
17 Well you know what it 's going to be like , it 's sort of a set piece each , each season
18 But I like to look at something and know what it 's saying , I mean what is , what is the canvas ‘ Blue on Black ’ actually saying ?
19 I 'm not gon na take it out again , I know what it 's gon na be like this one freeze it and re-thaw it do n't you ?
20 So er and god knows what it 's costing them to collect .
21 Christ knows what it 's going to be like in July if this weather keeps up . ’
22 I 've left my computer programme going , God knows what it 's gon na do I 've only got half an hour to finish it !
23 It 's a very cosy set-up , as you admitted last night , but I do n't suppose she knows what it 's leading up to , if Jones has conveniently forgotten to mention the exact nature of your past relationship . ’
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