Example sentences of "know from the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily for Athletico , business is my business and something at which I excel , as many of you will know from the success of my 8-Day Superette in the High Street .
2 And one thing we do know from the work of really scientific psychologists — those of the behaviorist school — is that frustration creates an aggressive response , anger .
3 Obviously he did not know from the look on his face .
4 Certainly women sat spinning upon them as we know from the description by Adam Sedgwick , a reliable witness .
5 You know from the beginning of , sing all twelve .
6 We know from the pottery of the Chimu period that the Incas were cultivating potatoes during the 13th Century but we believe that for many hundreds of years before that the Quecho Indians had enjoyed a staple diet of wild potatoes and had even developed an ingenious method of freeze-drying them to provide food throughout the winter months .
7 We know from the study of modern depressive individuals that their illness , if it is of the type termed manic-depressive , can take a sometimes sudden and completely opposite course .
8 The surface integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to a volume integral , as before , so that But and we know from the equation of motion ( 2.18 ) that .
9 We know from the example of ‘ blindsight ’ that ‘ visual ’ computations can occur without any conscious phenomenology ( Weiskrantz 1977 ) .
10 We know from the parable of the labourers in the vineyard that one penny or one donarius was an accepted whole day 's wage for a twelve day in the heat of the sun in the great harvest , so the two pence was the equivalent of two days ' wages .
11 The Sumerians certainly maintained trade contacts with India , as we know from the testimony of seal-stones .
12 Mrs Padmore , as we know from the memorandum at the front of the file , is going to be transferring to the Economic Secretariat in a few weeks ' time .
13 The Scottish Office , often known from the name of its Edinburgh offices as St Andrew 's House , deals with local government services , including education , housing , social services and roads , economic development , agriculture and fisheries , health and Home Office functions including police and probation .
14 For a century this story has been known from the Epic of Gilgamesh , Tablet 11 .
15 The ease with which this change takes place is probably helped by the acceptability which the Public Health Nurse ( PHN ) enjoys in the community , being well known from the diversity of her role in child welfare visiting , home nursing , clinic , and school nurse .
16 A better woodsman than he would have known from the absence of game in the ride that the verderers were not far ahead , but the Friar did not read the signs .
17 The Cynosurus cristatus — Centaurea nigra meadow , which is also known from the seaboard of western Scotland .
18 A few controversial mammalian fossils were known from the age of reptiles , and Lyell appealed to these as evidence that the whole sequence was unsound .
19 It is known from the account of Ali Tusi 's life in the that while muderris at the Uc Serefeli medrese in Edirne with a salary of 100 akce a day , he was ordered by Mehmed II to compete with Hocazade , then muderris at the Zeyrek medrese in Istanbul , in writing a between al-Ghazali 's Tuhafut al-falasifa and the philosophers .
20 However , it is known from the research into performance indicators that clinical teams with similar levels of resources produce different amounts of services ( Yates & Davidge , 1984 ) .
21 Marx referred throughout his work to other systems than the capitalist system , especially those which he knew from the history of Europe to have preceded capitalism ; systems such as feudalism , where the relation of production was characterized by the personal relation of the feudal lord and his serf and a relation of subordination which came from the lord 's control of the land .
22 And Dyson knew from the depth of humility and reverence in his inflection that he was getting a larger fee than even Lord Boddy .
23 Silent and solitary he often was , as Eckert knew from the evidence of Margaret Townsend , Thomas 's aunt , but he was eager at all times to share his country knowledge with young people .
24 He knew from the expression on Hauser 's face something was wrong .
25 Shoals of people were coming up the drive from the west gate — Cameron recognized faces that he knew from the sawmill at Kenmore .
26 But she had said nothing , and she knew from the look on his face that he was thinking she was still bearing a grudge from the incident in the storeroom the previous night .
27 In addition their father had told them that he wanted to speak to them in his study afterwards , and although he had given no indication what chastisement he planned , they knew from the severity of his expression that he was angrier than they had ever seen him before .
28 And everybody knows from the Depratment of transport downwards that it is n't going to work .
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