Example sentences of "know that she [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I should have known that she 'd still be with you . ’
2 And again she felt that helpless rush inside her , knowing that she would never be able to set the record straight .
3 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
4 Or , on second thoughts , knowing that she could probably hear their conversation , was he sending her the message to disregard any idea that his kisses might have had meaning behind them ?
5 And it was as if she had glimpsed the celestial city knowing that she could never enter in .
6 The knowledge of his affair still ate away at her , and it was knowing that she could never speak to him about the affair that hurt most .
7 He was playing her like an angler with a fish and knew that she would soon be netted .
8 She knew that she would probably be naughty again , because that was the way she was , but never again would she be quite so prone to take such instant action .
9 The boy had been told unequivocally not to let her off the lead — the riding-school only used the land by grace of its owner and it was a shooting estate — but he hated keeping the dog straining at the lead and knew that she would always come to his call .
10 Although she quickly did all the right things : alerting the police , the coastguard and Dr Forman , Harriet Tremayne knew that she would never see her daughter again .
11 Of course Evelyn knew that she would never assault an old person and that these horrid apparitions must be an image of her own fear of age and death , might even be some kind of safety valve .
12 Lying wakeful in her bedchamber that night , Grainne knew that she would never truly forget Fergus .
13 Brenda knew that she would never again be able to wear her own panties , their prettiness contaminated for ever by the memory of this dead unknown girl .
14 But as the days went on the truth became less difficult to live with than it had threatened to be , and she knew that she would never leave her husband because she , too , was to blame .
15 She knew that she would inevitably be just exchanging one set of problems for another when she moved in with her daughter and son-in-law and the grandchildren , but she had taken her time and come to the decision in her own way , and finally managed to make a very good adjustment to an entirely different life in a busy household .
16 His reaction had bewildered her , but she did n't want to dwell on it , because she knew that she would inevitably end up spending the entire evening thinking of him , and then feeling frustrated and angry with herself for having given in to her private weakness .
17 But she knew that she would hardly be likely to get very far with her allegations .
18 But , when she suddenly discovered an urgent desire to know his name , she knew that she would only end up feeling foolish if she asked him what it was in this moment of parting .
19 There was no-sign of the witch , but Virginia knew that she might still be coming in chase of her .
20 Again she saw Gazzer in her mind , laughing with Bella , clowning around , never taking anything seriously and she knew that she could never find the right words to convince Bella that he was dangerous .
21 In the past , when she felt depressed , she knew that she could always rely on her grandmother to lift her spirits .
22 It may sound priggish , but she says it 's unwise to go against one 's nature , its fundamental requirements , she knew that she could only make a go of it , a real go — and that was what she wanted — with some very extraordinary kind of man , and she had n't met him yet .
23 She knew that she should never have accepted it , she thought , as she knelt on the carpet , placing the mug down beside her and beginning to search the floor for the elusive ring .
24 She hardly knew what she was saying ; only knew that she must somehow rouse him to movement .
25 McAllister knew that she must truly love him , for that could be the only reason why she could allow him , a man , to touch her at all .
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