Example sentences of "know that [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal .
2 Did you know that she started her career in ?
3 She did not know that she gasped her sobs aloud .
4 Let the customer know that you understand her requirements , eg' I see , you want a set of four saucepans . ’
5 The House will know that he changed his allegation between his first and third questions .
6 ‘ The TV crew on The Darling Buds Of May know that I hate my backside , so they 're always making little comments , ’ she revealed in an exclusive interview .
7 The councillors all agree that your floral displays and hanging baskets are magnificent and want you to know that they appreciate your efforts .
8 I THOUGHT Joe Hyam would like to know that we changed our menu four months ago to the fixed-price system .
9 They need to know that you appreciate their efforts , your task is to spread irresistible enthusiasm .
10 ‘ How considerate of you , ’ she responded with a choked laugh , ‘ it 's so reassuring to know that you have my welfare at heart .
11 They know that they put their jobs on the line with any such shortfall .
12 I know that they share my views and worries .
13 I know that you did your best , and you said yourself that the poor thing had little hope of surviving the birth ’ — his attitude to her had changed .
14 You already know that I admire your work .
15 I only know that she has your love , and that she is a very lucky woman . ’
16 Mystics have always known that we create our own reality .
17 And he must have known that she found his touch distasteful , yet did that stop him ?
18 ‘ Teach us , Good Lord , to give and not to count the cost , to fight and not to heed the wounds , to toil and not to seek for rest , to labour and to ask for no reward , save that of knowing that we do Thy will . ’
19 They had n't even the satisfaction of knowing that he treated his poor old Dad badly , because all things considered , he did n't .
20 She was sad in advance , and yet at the same time all the happier , doubly happy , for knowing that she recognized her happiness , that it was not slipping by her unheeded , for knowing that she was creating for herself a past .
21 She had dressed with extra care that morning and knew that she looked her best in the slim-fitting navy suit with a spotless white blouse , but it was disconcerting to be subjected to such a scrutiny .
22 He was troubled by thoughts of innocence and the loss of it when he dealt with Philippa , and knew that she feared his seeming decay .
23 And he knew that she found his pacifism stupid .
24 Because I knew that I had my weaknesses , perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful .
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