Example sentences of "know that [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Do n't let the boys know that they have the power to cause a rift between you and your husband .
2 In the simple model above each firm must know that the other 's costs are identical to its own , and must know that they have the same beliefs about the market demand function as well as in the credibility of the punishment that would result from a deviation .
3 " I do n't know that I like the idea of you checking in bits of body and bloodstained clothes .
4 Dick , thank you for those kind words , er , specially about er my book , and I think I am considering appointing you as my agent er , you also said er that I 'd dr drawn the short straw indeed you er whispered to me that I was the sacrificial lamb this morning well we 'll see about that but I do know that I have the great honour to be invited to speak to congress this morning on behalf of the G M B parliamentary group .
5 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
6 A uniform , peaked cap , boots and gun can be frightening when you know that they have the backing of a ruthless system .
7 These are good musicians , they also know that they play the adagio too quickly .
8 Though yours are different senses , they too reach Until you know that they engage the air
9 ‘ They may be sympathetic and may want to try to help , but we know that they treat the symptoms and not the cause . ’
10 We know that you want the GHI to guide you in choosing and using appliances , so we 'll be reviewing one product every month , starting with vacuum cleaners in February .
11 I mean I know th I know that you carry the sine on because
12 Lord , we know that you guide the ways of all your servants , but we want especially to commend these people to you , that they may experience a special measure of your support and may know that the Holy Spirit is building the unity of the church in the places to which you have called them .
13 And I know that I count the days —
14 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
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