Example sentences of "know it be not [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well , Mr Patten will do his best to make a silk purse out of a sow 's ear , and the audience will know it was not his idea .
2 As they went down , he asked : ‘ When he called , how did you know it was n't me ? ’
3 Even thirty years later , when she was quite old enough to know it was n't her fault , that a house did n't burn down because a girl threw a skull into a horse pond , she still cried in much the same way when she thought of it .
4 For your information , before that phone call was cut off , I heard quite enough to know it was n't you who made it . ’
5 I have prefaced this last thought with the word " ideally " since I know it is not something that is at all easy to achieve .
6 Listen to the voice talking to you in everything you do and know it is not your voice , but the inner voice of the one who cares for you with love and infinite tenderness .
7 ‘ I just know it 's not him . ’
8 I know it 's not something that most of you are used to talking on a day to day basis , and if you go back to your workplace and you happen to be in a very male dominated workplace , it 's not necessarily gon na be the easiest thing to broach with your colleagues when you get back .
9 I mean , I know it 's not her fault but like , every Wednesday she has all the people from the college bridge go to her house to play bridge .
10 Really , Stuart , I know it 's not everyone who 's descended from King Zog of Albania , but there 's no need to blab the whole story . ’
11 It does n't , it 's not too bad there like , especially when we went to , you know it 's not there 's no .
12 I know it 's not his car 's number plate , or not the car he usually travels in , but ask if it fits his birthday in any way , or his phone number , or anything at all they can think of .
13 I said now you can shut that up right away , cos I said you know it 's not I said er now if you want us to try to help you out on this you just tell us what you did .
14 You know it 's not your nerves . ’
15 I know it 's not your fault , but you come here and we chat about the family , I say too much and , suddenly , we 're talking about murder ! ’
16 I know it 's not your fault .
17 Because she said she 's you know it 's not your fault .
18 I know it 's not my fault in any way , and still I feel guilty .
19 At last , baffled , she said , ‘ I know it 's not my concern , Silas — but would you please explain why this room has to be measured ? ’
20 The reason we know it 's not it was nineteen sixteen er that had been killed was that he was home obviously at the beginning of the war he went off and then someone named left a house well left they died and the proceeds of the house were left to Mrs Miss 's grandmother .
21 ‘ You mean , until you know it was n't me ! ’
22 Barney Willard loved Angy too but we both know it was n't her body he was after and I ca n't believe he would ever have hurt her .
23 ‘ I know it was n't you that set me up , Cardiff .
24 ‘ I know it was n't you , Aurora . ’
25 I know it was n't his fault with lamb yesterday cos he did n't get his quota on .
26 I know it was n't my birthday you just came in with it did n't you ?
27 There were a few , half-hearted chuckles to keep her happy , but she knew it was n't her jokes that they were appreciating .
28 She pushed me over and said , ‘ I knew it was n't nobody , yow great big baby ! ’
29 We had to like tell her about five times so they knew it was n't our room as we like took this guy in it was like books , everything was , there was so much crap on the floor , we had to get through to get to the radiator so that our next door neighbour could try and like stop it from leaking .
30 THOUGH FATHER MCGIFF ADMITTED to himself that he was no longer a youngster , he knew it was n't his age that had him suddenly welcoming autumn and winter far more than he had ever welcomed spring and summer .
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