Example sentences of "know [that] you be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And does he know that you are using him ? ’
2 It seems to show that the imaginary case in which you are a brain in a vat being fed the experiences of reading a book is perfectly effective in showing that you do not know that you are reading a book .
3 Do you know that you are thought to have been imprisoned for debt ? ’
4 We can surely conclude that if you know that you are sitting reading , you know that you are not a brain in a vat , and hence ( by simple modus tollens ) that since you do n't know that you are not a brain in a vat ( agreed above ) you do n't know that you are sitting reading .
5 Hence you can know that you are sitting reading even though you do not know that you are not asleep in bed , dreaming that you are sitting reading .
6 Because , if you scrub them off then I 'll know that you 're gon na buy them .
7 You may feel rather unsure of what you want in life mid-June , Capricorn , but by the end of the month , you will know that you 're doing the right thing !
8 Let the Stapletons know that you 're going to walk home across the moor . ’
9 I did n't know that you were related to her . ’
10 You know nothing of the world in which you have come to live , and I should have warned you about Rose , only I did not know that you were going out with her until after you had gone , and then , of course , it was too late . ’
11 Many older women probably avoid relationships for similar reasons but , once they get over the inhibitions , it can be very reassuring to know that you are accepted , varicose veins , belly and all .
12 Suppose that you claim to know that you are sitting reading a book .
13 With the conditional theory of knowledge , and the above explication of clauses 3 and 4 , you can be said to know that you are sitting reading because ( 3 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading you do not believe that you are , and ( 4 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you do believe that you are .
14 learn to accept yourself as you are and to know that you are allowed to have faults as well as good points ;
15 ‘ And to know that you are doing something so useful Making cotton thread to be woven into lovely dresses ! ’
16 Nice to know that you 're missed , eh , love ? ’
17 Parent Ali Smith says it 's reassuring to know that you 're leaving the children with someone who knows what to do in a crisis .
18 I do , I 'd , you know , from that point of view , as regards er health in this kind , but to know that you 're covered rather
19 It 's nice to know that you 're giving me the benefit of the doubt . ’
20 erm but you 're also going to know that you 're contributing to the society erm and that even if some people in the newspapers and some politicians are dismissing unemployed people and saying that they 're scroungers , that that is n't the case for you , that you are erm making a positive input into society , probably a much more positive input than a lot of those people that are critical of erm unemployed people .
21 But when you 're self employed it 's very important to know that you 're going to get
22 ‘ It 's quite enough for me just to know that you 're going . ’
23 Know that you are loved and that everything you do matters to your mentor and , ultimately , to yourself .
24 I know that you are living among us , help me to always see you in all people .
25 From the viewpoint of this being an objective experiment , I would be a little bit worried about everyone knowing the nature of the experiment you had in mind because , as you probably know , in industrial studies there 's a well known effect , I think it 's called the Hawthorne effect , which merely by studying a group of people you change their behaviour and their output simply because they know that you are taking an interest in them and they 've got some idea of your expectations .
26 I mention those figures , the need for a large membership is self evident and I know that you are making tremendous efforts to increase that membership .
27 We can surely conclude that if you know that you are sitting reading , you know that you are not a brain in a vat , and hence ( by simple modus tollens ) that since you do n't know that you are not a brain in a vat ( agreed above ) you do n't know that you are sitting reading .
28 First , it can reinforce our intuitions that you know that you are sitting reading etc. , that you know that if you are sitting reading etc. you are not a brain in a vat , and that you do not know that you are not a brain in a vat .
29 ‘ I know that you are predisposed to leave things here ; I have employed purely technical means to help you rid yourself of something you wish to regard as a technical problem but behind this eidetic delusion we both know there lies an emotional reality .
30 From the viewpoint of this being and objective experiment , I would be a little bit worried about everyone knowing the nature of the experiment you had in mind , because , as you probably know , in industrial studies there 's a well-known effect , I think it 's called the Hawthorn effect , which merely by studying a group of people you change their behaviour and their output , simply because they know that you 're taking an interest in them and they 've got some idea of your expectations .
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