Example sentences of "know [that] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mortality statistics , too , are not restricted to the unemployed : how do we know that they are not indicating greater health problems in the population as a whole during times of economic difficulty ?
2 " The Ingard board must know that they are nearly at the end of the road .
3 I work amongst the elderly and I do know that they are very shy about telling people just how poor they are .
4 If it is accepted that we are in possession of logically adequate criteria of particular-identification , I do not see how one could deny that such criteria are ever fulfilled ; for how else would we know that they are indeed adequate ?
5 This is , this is where Deborah will then go back , this is , comes into your three hour training so you wo n't have this problem cos they 'll all have been , they 'll all know that they 're just talking about certain things .
6 The glasses are in number four , they 've all been provided but they just Whether they do n't know that they 're there .
7 You did ask a question earlier on and I think the the erm behind the question was the suggestion that erm the Local Authority Councillors we have on the governing bodies are a terrible interfering lot of bigots erm and erm surprisingly you might like to know that they 're not really .
8 He says that he would not get on so well with her if he had his meals with her , but as he lives quite separately they are very friendly and he likes to know that they are near if he wants company . ’
9 Children in the ‘ top ’ set for mathematics quickly come to know that they are more capable than those in the ‘ bottom ’ set .
10 Northern taxpayers are also losing , but few of them know that they are already ‘ bailing out the banks ’ .
11 But I know that they are secretly changing the negatives of the photographs .
12 And the prisoners themselves know that they are not alone , that the world has not forgotten them .
13 It would be implicit that City employees know that they are not to use confidential information for the purposes of insider dealing .
14 I now know that they are not automatically exempt from prescription charges , and I draw my hon. Friend the Minister 's attention to the recommendation of the Parkinson 's Disease Society of the United Kingdom , which I support , that sufferers should be exempt from prescription charges .
15 And I know that they are not prefaced by one two three or any other form of indication , which would er suggest that they are in any order .
16 They have always offered special deals to attract students because they know that they are tomorrow 's higher earners .
17 It is then added to their file , so that inquirers know that they are no longer in debt .
18 Judging by the trade and the spirited bidding , Scotland 's hill farmers now know that they are on to a good thing .
19 The other Home Unions do not have brilliant fly-halves , but they are all consistent , play to their strengths , enjoy good scrum-half partners and know that they are virtually certain to be selected , which makes their jobs much easier .
20 Or if they are buying a pig in a poke at least they know that they are so doing .
21 The Law Game suffers uniquely by its audience : you know that they are there , because they applaud at the beginning .
22 Although you might not meet an elephant on the Wilpattu jungle tracks , you know that they are there when you find a tree pulled down or bull-dozed across the road .
23 When you know that they are sort of negative and they do n't really talk to you as a person , you know that they 're not really bothered about what happens to you .
24 She has only been able to distribute a few as yet , but they know that they 're there and are overjoyed at the prospect of getting them .
25 I might want to poke my tongue out at those new cameras as I slow down to pass them , but deep down even I know that they 're there for my protection .
26 Hyenas have always been thought of as scavengers but it is now known that they are also vigorous nocturnal hunters .
27 If it 's known that they 're up and down like
28 Further good news is that more and more survivors are regularly meeting together , often to unburden themselves , sometimes to experience at least the psychological satisfaction of knowing that they 're not alone .
29 No human is capable of truly knowing that they are not immortal , that someday the I that seemed eternal will cease , save in one moment ; the moment before true death .
30 ‘ Whether in Southall , Singapore or New York , it is Indians who rule the discount shops , all happy making money , selling to other Indians who are happy spending money , knowing that they are actually saving money .
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