Example sentences of "know [conj] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's a lad with bags of confidence and was quick to let me know that he 'd scored on his debut and I had n't .
2 No , but eh , another word that was I 've heard used , and it was , actually it was quite annoying because the chap used it , used it wrongly , but I did n't know that he 'd used it wrongly at the time .
3 If there should be trees out there , swaying in the wind , then he would know that he had lost all sense of time and place and personal identity .
4 Did this man know that he had ruined our game , our happiness , everything we held dear ?
5 She would never let him know that he had broken her heart .
6 Then he deliberately looked back to meet her eyes so that she would know that he had made a decision With a slight lift of his shoulders , he accepted his decision .
7 They did not know that he had worked as a locum at Bolton Royal Infirmary and the doctor did not tell the infirmary that he was HIV positive before or after he was employed for six shifts in the casualty department .
8 He let Turgenev know that he had enjoyed his Sportsman 's Sketches , but his interest in them probably derived from his love of hunting rather than from the fact that the stories cast aspersions on serfdom .
9 If he is , he will know that he has repeated the error that was made in England and Wales .
10 She wanted to avoid Oliver , although she was desperate to know that he had moved out of the flat .
11 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
12 She had to know that he had considered and that he was committed by his reply .
13 ‘ But really I just want him to know that he 's got to do a bit of work , that he can walk , that he can get around . ’
14 Richard Cocco Senior at the Palisade Music Company would like the bass playing world to know that he has developed the first 4-wrap low B bass string , as part of the R. Cocco 5-string bass set .
15 She did not know if he had believed her .
16 Such people will often say , ‘ I would certainly know if he had died — I would feel it — and so I 'm sure he 's still alive . ’
17 I have done so already , expressly and explicitly , in my speech — as the right hon. Gentleman would know if he had listened .
18 He did n't know if he had succeeded or failed .
19 The hon. Gentleman would know if he had addressed as many farmers ' organisations as I have that the first question farmers ask is how we can deal with the uncertainty of the MacSharry proposals , which now confront us .
20 I did n't know if he 'd killed Malpass , or whether he was taking it out on sports cars in general .
21 Then I saw a light aircraft orbiting overhead and started waving to it , but he disappeared and I did n't know if he 'd seen me .
22 A person will soon know if he has exceeded his body 's tolerance because excess vitamin C produces the ‘ runs ’ .
23 I do n't know if he 's got an imaginary friend
24 It would be very interesting to know if he had seen any of their original works in London .
25 The idea , as yet only half formed , seemed preposterous … and yet … it would be interesting to know if he had learned something of which she was unaware .
26 Now with regard to auditors in particular , er he will know because he 's had some correspondence with me er on this particular subject , it is the view of the government that the er recognised professional body , the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales , is best placed as a professional body , to supervise er this sector er an argument can be mounted and no doubt he may seek to use this debate to do just that , to say that er this should be the subject of some direct er rule from Whitehall .
27 And the Turk 's Head stayed shut with padlocks on the doors and the windows boarded up , and Uncle Titch went away and no one seemed to know where he 'd gone to , not even William 's grandad , and no one seemed to know whether he 'd taken his fairground with him or whether it was still there behind the shutters and the padlocked doors in the dark rooms with the bloodstains still on the walls and floors .
28 When Mr Palmer arrived I did n't tell him I was caddying for Gary , and I do n't know whether he 'd forgotten or what , but when Gary says to me , ‘ OK , Tip , let's go , ’ Arnold looks at me and says , ‘ What are you doing , Tip ? ’
29 He was looking at the bin but she did n't know whether he had seen her or not .
30 As Septimus Coffin pointed out : if he had really thought Pickerage had done it , he would have caned him ; if he did n't know whether he had done it or not , he should n't have slippered him .
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