Example sentences of "know [conj] [pers pn] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman will know that we have recently announced a £10 million programme to provide grants to local authorities to enable them to give priority to buses through the construction of bus lanes and by giving priority to buses at traffic lights .
2 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
3 But erm they did let her know that she had n't got it instead of making her wait the four weeks or whatever it was
4 Eventually , when it comes back to the switchboard , they will know that you 've not answered , and they can say ‘ I 'm sorry , there 's nobody there , would you like to leave a message ’ , in which case , that call will then be diverted to a particular message desk , where they will just take a very brief message which will be passed onto you .
5 So after your walk , let the Japanese Ambassador know that you 've just walked for the whales — and why .
6 Is there anything which your intended should know that you have not revealed to this point ?
7 Let them know that you have n't prepared , and you insult them even further .
8 How do you know that you have n't landed yourself with someone who 'll be struck dumb with nerves ? ’
9 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
10 But many people do n't know that it has also provided many of the big back-room names in the pop business too .
11 Did he mean to let Ned know that he had not found her up to scratch and then , after so much humiliation , deliver her over to the Dallams ?
12 A person who is wrongly accused will know that he has not done that of which he is suspected , example , and may be indignant at being the object of suspicion .
13 I do n't know that I 've even seen that .
14 How did he know that I had n't slept ?
15 Feargal wo n't be here , so he need n't know that I have n't left yet . ’
16 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
17 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
18 When people go out and buy a Jeff Banks , I want them to know that we have really bothered . ’
19 Were you to turn over that banner which is I think magnificently designed , you would find the other side is entirely about international connections between workers and various groups and so on , so it 's got the international , the wider version and I 'm delighted to know that you have here , you I understand that the G M B is perhaps the only body which has the nearest thing to a formal alliance with the trade union in Germany I mean this is tremendous .
20 ‘ Be that as it may , perhaps he would like to know that you have completely disrupted our meal .
21 But it was I You know , to know that you have n't got to fight ,
22 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
23 And how were they to know that he had not wanted very much ? or was that to be his real pleasure ?
24 Pinkie could still think quite clearly enough to know that he had very little prospect of a new commission .
25 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
26 You might like to know that I have recently been in touch with a Mme Francine Roussel ( University of Nancy II , 23 Blvd Albert 1e , Nancy 54000 ) who is just completing a survey review of concordancers .
27 Perhaps we should contact our M E P , I do n't know if we 've ever done that .
28 Er , oh that particular one was one of erm I do n't know if they 've even got a lighting showroom in London now , er
29 I do n't know if they have even seen the baby ’ .
30 Once she had seen Harry again , she would know if she 'd only imagined that special magic between them .
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