Example sentences of "know [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if I did n't know I could count on you , I suppose you would n't be here . "
2 ‘ I did n't know I could look like that .
3 It 's a great help to know I can rely on you for such last minute needs !
4 ‘ Jesus , Andy , ’ said Callahan , ‘ I did n't know you could surf like that . ’
5 D' you know you can talk to your dreams — ask them questions .
6 Well no it 's not that I just think it 's the I do n't know you can see through it more .
7 ‘ — and when we divorce , I 'm grateful to know you 'll pay towards Thomas 's upbringing , but I do n't want any money for myself . ’
8 ‘ How was I to know you 'd feel like this ? ’ she protested , her guilt sharpening into a defensive anger .
9 Added Hendry : ‘ It 's nice to know you can cope with the pressure when it matters .
10 I do n't know we 'll have to what I can freeze wo n't we ?
11 I do n't know we could look into that .
12 ‘ Yes , but how did he know they would stay on that course ? ’
13 I do n't know it would have on the date actually .
14 He told me he was just visiting to let me know he would come for me soon , but not just yet .
15 ‘ And I did n't know he 'd come to the hotel to find you !
16 There was n't much Walter did n't know about machines , and what he did n't know he could learn in five minutes .
17 Being robbed is losing the confident skin you have grown naturally ; it is to know it can happen to you and if it has happened once …
18 ‘ That 's why I want him to know he can talk to us .
19 And again and again , on my side , I wanted to know what would happen to us .
20 If you are confused about what has happened or curious to know what will happen to a topic , consult the index ; if I have got it right , the index will tell you the story .
21 The trouble is that no-one appears to know what will happen after the Olympics and whether if by then the United Nations ' blacklist will preclude British members of the Tour from competing in certain countries .
22 He writes because ‘ if I do n't write , I suffer ’ ; he writes because he wants to know what will happen in his book ; he is , he says , his ‘ own reader ’ , prey to a phenomenon : automatic writing .
23 You do n't know what may happen to him .
24 The difference is that we did n't know then what we know now , we did n't know what would become of us ’ ; or ‘ We were so young and spilling over with everything inside ’ .
25 She added that she did n't know what would become of the family now that her brother was no longer around to take care of them .
26 Do you know what would happen to us if we got caught with this stuff ?
27 They did not know when accident or sickness would hit them , and though they knew that some time in middle age — perhaps in the forties for unskilled labourers , perhaps in the fifties for the more skilled — they would become incapable of doing a full measure of adult physical labour , they did not know what would happen to them between then and death .
28 I do not know what will happen about Monktonhall .
29 I do n't know what will happen to me .
30 I do n't know what will happen to him when his money runs out .
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