Example sentences of "time he did not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But this time he did not relinquish her .
2 The fall broke their hold on each other , and Harry tore his wrist free and stabbed again , but again his forearm was caught and held , and this time he did not draw blood .
3 Chairman er in his remarks a bit earlier on Professor said that he did not think it was appropriate to give executive power to the director of education I wrote your words down at the time he did not think it appropriate to give executive power to the director of education and he said , despite Mr 's clarification you want to move a bit nearer if you 're going to be his minder Mr that in fact he did n't
4 She looked back at him , but this time he did not lower his eyes or tap his spoon against his empty cup .
5 This time he did not mention giving lessons but said it would be lovely to be able to play to me .
6 This time he did not want to make love to me when he dropped the tapes off , and in truth I was a little tired .
7 Later , when lucidity returned to him , the recollection of that made him blush and cringe , but at the time he did not care .
8 She said , ‘ Home directly please , ’ to Murphy and this time he did not sigh or look pained at all , but simply said , ‘ Very good , Miss Alexandra , ’ and obeyed .
9 This time he did not try to add anything .
10 This time he did not try to stop her and she made her way to the attics in a seething temper , depositing the box of Lady Merchiston 's effects without even thinking what she was doing .
11 This time he did not withdraw it at once but stayed motionless , his arm deep in the sack .
12 He held his hand out and this time he did not wait for her to respond , but grasped her hand firmly and began to lead her , with great skill and speed , over the rocks towards the cliff .
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