Example sentences of "time and [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ dig ’ carried out in 1984 brought to light what could have been the main centre of administration in Anglo-Saxon times and could well have been the site for the ancient ‘ Dic Ring ’ from which Dickering got its name .
2 You may find that you need to apply the solution several times and should obviously avoid doing the gob just before a rain storm is forecast .
3 He leads his country out for a world-record 36th time and would only continue at the top if the Springboks win .
4 Such a transformation of allegiances would help to explain the reversal of northern Anglian military fortunes beyond the Forth at this time and could well have been provoked by the changed relationship between the Angles and the Dalriadic Scots .
5 But we had a good time and will definitely go again .
6 I had a WONDERFUL time and can only say that Malcolm and I are looking forward very much to many happy journeys in her at home and abroad in the future .
7 Because of their different activity time clock , the owls are not competing with the hawks for the same food animals at the same time and can therefore co-exist .
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