Example sentences of "time and [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is the word which came up time and again in the story of Jacob 's tricking his dying father .
2 This curious mingling of piety , enthusiasm and sadistic cruelty is recorded time and again in the vernacular literature of the age — sometimes naively , sometimes satirically , for there were evidently plenty of reflective men who saw the paradox , and pondered on it .
3 A lesson Jess was to learn time and again in the coming weeks .
4 So Douglas 's horn was blown time and again in the recall .
5 In Unix , it has succeeded in creating the impression that it has far more of the management , security and support capabilities in place than any of its competitors , and while this may not be entirely valid , time and again in the computer industry , winning the perception is nine tenths of the battle : in the 1970s , it was universally acknowledged among the cognoscenti that Burroughs Corp had by far the best mainframe architecture and operating software , but that did nothing to prevent the vast majority of its users migrating to IBM over time .
6 During the year they had been together , she had seen him time and again in the dark quiet hours when he believed himself to be unobserved .
7 That is why time and again in the New Testament he is linked with hope .
8 Time and again in the US we have seen people suffer long-drawn-out deaths plumbed into artificial heart machines or given the hearts of other species of primates in transplant operations .
9 For example , there is enough material in a glass of water to run a car for ten years , enough in the top few centimetres of Lake Erie to power New York State for a similar time and enough in the oceans to keep us going indefinitely .
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