Example sentences of "time [Wh adv] [pron] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are times when we need to ask ourselves if our use would actually justify a purchase , or might it be better to rent it ?
2 There are times when we need to appreciate that a requirement may be filled by two things in which one partner has one set of talents and the other partner another set .
3 There are also times when we need to ensure that we understand what is being said , and this can be done by asking simple questions or making comments which help elucidate or develop what the counsellee is saying , such as , ‘ So you think that … ’ , or ‘ You mean that … ‘ , or even ‘ I 'm not sure that I follow what you mean …
4 There are times when we want to target specific individual or groups of parents because of minor problems which the school is encountering such as persistent lateness , regular late arrival of dinner money , unreturned reading books or even irregular attendance .
5 In many language classrooms today there are times when we want to get our students talking to us and to each other .
6 This demonstration illustrates a characteristic ambivalence of point of view in James 's writing : although one character is evidently the " centre of consciousness " , there are times when we seem to have an outside view of 110 him , or an inside view of another character .
7 Well , we 've done that , as we said we would and of course , in a business such as Pearson , which is a people business er , although we regularly monitor employment statistics , such as total employ total number of employees er , revenue per employee , cost per employee , profit per employee , there are times when we have to take er , difficult decisions and er , so we 've gone in for a lot of redundancy , which we 'll see in , in er during the next slide or two .
8 There are times when Chancellors are right to fuss with mini-measures , and there are times when they need to make an instant impact .
9 So if you think back now at times when you 've done a training session and you thought I ca n't understand why that did n't work , you know I worked really hard this may actually reveal something to you you did work really hard at it and you put it together just the way that you would like to receive it , but it 's not it just the way the delegates would actually have liked to have seen it done .
10 You can quickly load any named set by clicking on the button marked with three icons at the bottom right of the screen — a pop-up list of all the possibilities appears — including Hide SmartIcons for times when you prefer to do without any !
11 And so we 've , now , you know , in these times when you get tied up in red tape and bureaucratic mess everywhere the speed at which has achieved this is admirable and I do really thank you for that .
12 There are times when you have to live with these unpleasant facts of life .
13 Do n't expect everything to be crystal clear , or cut and dried for Monday 's one of those times when you have to take the lead and not wait for folk to spell things out in words of one syllable .
14 Think about times when you have blamed others , or refused to take responsibility for your life .
15 THERE are times when you have to stand up to be counted and that time is here for the British Press .
16 In his view , there are times when you have to fight fire with fire , or , as he put it rather more eloquently during his defence of the Grand Slam Cup decision , ‘ It was a sad reality that we were left with no real option but to protect tradition with the modern deterrent — money . ’
17 It 's a way , it 's a very formal way of identifying training needs but there are times when you need to do it .
18 However dramatic and intriguing you make the work , however visual , there will nevertheless come times when you need to sit down with them and talk things through .
19 There are also times when you need to find out how much your students know or can do with language .
20 There are times when you want to encourage talk within the classroom group , with students drawing on their own language resources to express thoughts they want to communicate .
21 There are times when I 've pushed on when all the signals were saying turn back .
22 There are other times when I 've turned back and felt ‘ gosh no , this is wrong ’ and afterwards thought why did I turn back , maybe I should have carried on .
23 Several times when I 've had foods with hidden milk products , the symptoms have come back almost immediately , ’ she says , ‘ Now I am full of energy .
24 ‘ There 've been so many times when I 've lain awake at night longing for you to kiss me , make love to me .
25 Oh ’ — Peggy screwed up her face — ‘ there are times when I want to spit on him .
26 Life is n't always like that for me and there are times when I do have
27 It 's one to leave to half time when we 've got a bit more time to er examine the incident perhaps .
28 population starts getting that desperate that 's the time when we 've got to worry
29 But as the battle raged on , UN spokesman Mik Magnusson said : ‘ There comes a time when we have to assess the situation .
30 There comes a time when we have to decide which of the paints on the market will do the best job .
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