Example sentences of "time [prep] my [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well at various times in my life I 've come back to Kingston and I first of all used to see peo girls who were at school with me .
2 At the time of my visits there had already been considerable changes in terms of staffing and resources in line with advisers ' recommendations .
3 Had he been around at the time of my capture I do n't believe I 'd have made it very far .
4 At this time of my life I was eagerly reading books of travel and adventure such as Luigi Barzini 's Peking to Paris by Motor Car , but my favourite writer was Salgari , who was a sort of Italian Jules Verne .
5 At the time of my infarct I was three stone overweight , smoked 60 cigarettes a day , hated health food ; my idea of a perfect dinner was a plateful of greasy cholesterol .
6 Wasting his time like my spending my time on doors !
7 But , having said that , as I got older and spent more time with my father I began to learn more about him .
8 That I 've done for the first time in my life something original .
9 For the first time in my life I was having breakfast in my dressing-gown .
10 For the first time in my life I found the real Shakespeare .
11 For the first time in my life I had a weight problem .
12 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
13 It was the first time in my life I wanted to carry myself as a woman , not like a weird , kinda little ragamuffin girl . ’
14 For the first time in my life I found myself surrounded by friends — friends whom I found interesting , and friends who appeared to find me interesting , bright and witty , despite my all-too-evident disadvantages .
15 It was the only time in my life I 've been a pain to my family .
16 It was the first time in my life I ever thought of Diana as beautiful .
17 It was the first time in my life I had acted like a complete sod to other people , and I felt that my behaviour was worse because I had loads of advantages the lesser recruits did n't : I could speak French ; I was basically healthier and therefore found fitness much easier ; I was a north European Caucasian which endeared me to some of the more racist instructors .
18 For the first time in my life I had a lover who was a companion .
19 For the first time in my life I was made conscious of not being able to control my own situation .
20 For the first time in my life I have friends , and interests , shared interests like baseball and opera and partying , and I gleam and bobble with privilege .
21 Do n't you understand , for the first time in my life I 'm afraid of her …
22 For the first and last time in my life I saw my father in tears .
23 For the first time in my life I could not confess all my sins to the priest .
24 As I was permanently hungry , he used to make enormous treacle puddings — it was the first time in my life I had heard of such a dish — and always made sure I got a big helping .
25 It was the first time in my life I had experienced anything like this and was nervous but deeply honoured .
26 It was the one time in my life I 've gone to pieces — lost my mind , I suppose .
27 I spent the day riding , or rather bucking , at anchor , the only time in my life I really wanted to die .
28 And for the first time in my life I found myself appreciating the statuesque Gallic appearance of my hooter .
29 For the first time in my life I tasted champagne and I did not care for it very much because I was a complete and absolute non-drinker at the time , I would like to warn anybody that this was something which did not last for very long : I have since acquired an insatiable thirst and desire for champagne .
30 ‘ Fear that you might leave Czechoslovakia without first returning to your hotel , ’ he replied , then grinned wryly as he added , ‘ For the first time in my life I find that I ca n't think logically — for why would you take a train to Mariánské Láznë to leave Czechoslovakia , when you could more easily take a plane from Prague ?
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