Example sentences of "time [coord] [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the bicentenary of Mozart 's death , The Sunday Times and The Times announce the UK 's biggest ever Mozart festival .
2 No monarch has refused to dissolve Parliament in modern times and the Queen has , in recent years , been relieved of any real responsibility as to the choice of Prime Minister as the various political parties have now clearly defined rules for the election of a leader .
3 I was interested to see that the Financial Times and The Spectator picked the same phrase — they described it as a ’ pyrrhic victory ’ .
4 T V Times and the Sun says that .
5 In former days the economical cycle hit different parts of the world at different times and the spread gave us a degree of stability .
6 The correspondent in the Times and the Guardian have both criticised his defensive errors .
7 Meals , meal times and the paraphernalia associated with them had always loomed large in the Laura Ashley ideology .
8 Small pots , each containing several one and two-month old Lolium temulentum plants grown at 20°C ( i.e. unstressed plants ) were viewed at various times and the images compared .
9 If the maximum number of cells in a row of the grid is 30 and if there are 30 rows , a dice could be thrown six times and the outcomes totalled to get the row coordinate , and six times for the column coordinate using the convention that the six on the dice is interpreted as zero .
10 The sachets remained unopened and in their possession at all times and the analyst confirmed to police that it was high-grade cocaine .
11 The subtitles are superfluous : it 's been on the telly umpteen times and the gestures say it all .
12 I came to the conclusion that my hunch had been right , but that the ditches must have been dug in mid-Victorian times and the earth piled on the track , putting all the older items out of detecting range .
13 Usually there is family and peer-group support at such times but the book provides a privacy , an intimacy , that seems appropriate at this particular period .
14 Mr Murdoch may not have the time or the money to wait .
15 It 's only in the last ten or twenty years that people have had the time or the money to have hobbies , especially to do with music or painting .
16 GPs ' reports are rarely of much help , if only because they do not have the time or the experience to write useful reports and usually resent doing them .
17 And while I am not so naive as to thing that they have the time or the motivation to sample every title on the Whitbread short list , a good number of these men think they ought to .
18 They do not , generally , have the time or the inclination to take financial statements apart .
19 Although most of us do n't have the time or the inclination to record what tickles a particular customer 's fancy when it comes to paying , it does nevertheless pay off to make that extra effort and note what it is that works — particularly with large customers .
20 There is little sign that the government was able to find the time or the inclination to assess sceptically the framework within which balance-of-payments policy was conducted .
21 She did n't have either the time or the inclination to hold ‘ receptions ’ — whatever they might be — but when she returned home at night , exhausted from her day in the City , she never failed to appreciate the deep sense of peaceful calm and serenity of the large , thickly carpeted room .
22 He rarely seemed either to have the time or the inclination to return to Brougham .
23 Sometimes they were right , news crews rarely had the time or the inclination to pursue the finer points .
24 Few of these state lawyers have the time or the expertise to defend their clients properly .
25 One person can scarcely have the time or the expertise needed to find out what has been published and link this to readers ' needs throughout his authority , especially when book provision is only one of his many responsibilities .
26 But I did n't really have time or the ability to sit down and think about their whole term 's work which is what I had to do really .
27 Bunny did n't feel it was either the time or the place to mention the half-dozen empty aspirin bottles strewn about the floor of the phone box — their contents were later found heaped like so many loose sweets in the bottom of her handbag — or that she had ‘ popped out ’ in the middle of the scene in Cleopatra 's boudoir .
28 She opened her mouth to ask her mother why he 'd said that , and just as abruptly closed it again , realising that this was n't the time or the place to discuss private family matters .
29 Not the time or the place to expect a violent gang attack on a pensioner .
30 Alyssia shrugged vaguely , knowing that this was n't the time or the place to confide in her friend .
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