Example sentences of "time [prep] [pron] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 eyes on before and when it was time for me to go to bed I would be encouraged not made
2 ‘ It took a long time for me to come to terms with the whole mistletoe thing .
3 He must be able to stamp his authority not only on his team but on the peloton as a whole , directing the whole tenor of the race before it is time for him to go to the front and win .
4 Even in the evenings , he crafted his ships while Uncle Philip and Finn made puppets until it was half past eight and time for him to go to bed .
5 There he was provisioned with every known variety of soft drink , and kept virtually incommunicado until it was time for him to travel to Broadcasting House .
6 When Loc , with another worried glance in Jacques Devraux 's direction , insisted it was time for them to go to bed , Paul galloped across the clearing with little Hoc on his shoulders and dumped the boy squealing with laughter on his sleeping mat .
7 ‘ My father 's old housekeeper — he and she grew old together — has a daughter who needs to make money ; , she lives in Nile Street , and if you were to say that I sent you , she might well be glad to put you up till it is time for you to go to Oxford . ’
8 Time for you to go to bed . ’
9 Well , half fiveish normally , cos because you had to make your own round up , mark the papers and then , say , six o'clock and it lasted possibly three hours , you just in time for you to get to school for probably ten past nine .
10 ‘ It ends at eight , plenty of time for you to get to the airport . ’
11 it 's raining in time for us to go to school , come on
12 Singer Canice Kenealy says : ‘ Now is the right time for us to move to London .
13 The directors have a reasonable time in which to come to a decision , but since section 183(5) of the Act imposes an obligation on them to give to the transferee notice of rejection within two months of the lodging of the transfer , the maximum reasonable period is two months .
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