Example sentences of "up [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It ended up where I felt the whole world was on my shoulders .
2 They had to struggle bringing us up so they had no real time to bother about anything else . ’
3 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
4 ‘ I saw his leg coming up so I pulled the rope off and I jumped , ’ he added .
5 Actually I thought they were quite nice , but Gillian er made I Ian erm ring the short up cos she thought the legs were n't long enough .
6 Hurry up cos he wants the margarine , can he have the margarine while you 're spreading on ?
7 If you turn round and say , well you know you 're just putting us up until they get a place
8 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
9 I did n't really wake up until we made the short boat trip to Ellis Island .
10 You let the temperature come up until it reaches the boiling point
11 Anglo-Welsh was a relatively new consortium of previously independent regional breweries put together during the later 1970s by a shrewd and aggressive operator named K. Midas , who made no secret of his ambition to build it up until it rivalled the major national breweries .
12 It seemed to give him a purpose which , up until he saw the sign , he had n't had .
13 ‘ Playing with D'Arcy has been a real education because up until she joined the band I always thought about rock in male terms .
14 Her throat swelled up until she needed a tracheotomy .
15 Erm in the nineteen fifties and right up until I became a full time official , erm there was generated an opinion that if companies were financially well off , due to the effort of the employees , then there was some formal entitlement for employees in these particular undertakings , to put forward a separate claim at domestic level , to , to enhance their pay .
16 I received with much pleasure the token of your friendship which you have sent me this morning in the way of [ a ] dram Bottle and shall treasure it up until I reach the wilds of the beautiful country I anticipate so much pleasure in exploring .
17 Then she added , — Sheila can put me up until I find a place .
18 okay , well one last thing , I start with the last thing at the beginning , strangely , I mean you 're obviously getting all the technical details and all the expertise from people who know far better than I do , so I 'm not going to go into much technical detail until perhaps a bit later , which might come up if we get a debate going or when I look at your press releases .
19 Well , I certainly will take it up if I get a copy letter , I mean it is obviously that some departments act differently , and I understand that in any case this is only a letter from the secretary , it 's not him , so I mean , I 'm quite happy to take it up if I get the copy of that , and explain that this department act , does rather differently from some of the others .
20 Well , I certainly will take it up if I get a copy letter , I mean it is obviously that some departments act differently , and I understand that in any case this is only a letter from the secretary , it 's not him , so I mean , I 'm quite happy to take it up if I get the copy of that , and explain that this department act , does rather differently from some of the others .
21 I used to get worked up if I made a mistake , I mean , I weave and a nervous breakdown spooling
22 I 'm not sure whether that 's true , I mean I think the argument er in this particular case is about the amount of money which a particular area of the Department of Social Security can operate , and presumably looking at this , Nichola Scott will have to er match up if you like the total quantity and make sure it 's effectively allocated .
23 The turn can be speeded up if you take a step back on the board and depress the windward rail .
24 That 's something else you 'd have to give up if you got a job , is n't it ?
25 Sometimes the teachers did n't turn up because they had no materials to give the students .
26 I 've no idea yet , really what , I mean , you know , for instance I do n't know how much ratio staff to patients they need , therefore you ca n't really , you know , follow that up because you 've no idea what the costs themselves could be .
27 It was an ever increasing thing that blew up because it got a little too big , but it did make David a star and he has dealt with it really well , and is a man who does wonderful work .
28 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
29 yeah , right okay then , we shall go , I hope the weather keeps up because I want a good week next week , we 're gon na work out where we 're gon na go for a couple of days are n't we ?
30 ‘ Things have really sort of speeded up since I became a Muslim .
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