Example sentences of "up [coord] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If you did n't bother turning up and reading it then that was no p
2 Yeah I know it 's well again , you know , kind of once you can see , once you can see what 's wrong with it rather than just sort of , you know , screwing it up and throwing it away , you know kind of if you can use that as a basis for , for , you know , kind of putting more of the stuff in that makes it look a bit more academic
3 They are potentially very dangerous and what we are worried about is members of the public picking them up and taking them home as souvenirs . ’
4 Erm Rob and Polly 's mum 's picking Simon up and taking him home and erm , Annette 's picking up most nights Gary 's gon na be home just after four so it 's actually someone to take them home .
5 Guy stood up abruptly and took the glass from her nerveless fingers , drawing her up and pulling her very gently into his arms .
6 They 're opening the game up and making it more attractive to spectators . ’
7 But once you 're up and running it soon becomes clear that networks let you do a whole host of other things .
8 She slipped it from his shoulders , folding it up and placing it carefully on the chair .
9 I suggest wiring them up and trailing them overboard to thaw .
10 Add to this that she was a vain woman with a streak of snobbery , but one who had made a friend of Alice Fernie ( who herself was unlikely to pick her friends haphazardly ) ; that she was a man-hunting , high-life-loving girl who had shown no desire to keep up her connection with her old stamping-grounds ; and finally , that she apparently received obscene letters with equanimity , merely folding them up and putting them away like love-letters sentimentally preserved ; add all these things together and you had a woman who was as incomprehensible as women traditionally are .
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