Example sentences of "up [coord] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 King Crimson was being partied by a signing label and they got up and played with Donovan .
2 After a little while , Wycliffe straightened up and looked at Bourne .
3 I said , yeah , and you picked them up and looked at dates and chucked them on cart .
4 Juliet sat up and looked at David .
5 She jumped up and saw with dismay her reflection in the mirror over the fireplace .
6 One of the senior officers looked up and said to Ryan :
7 Mr Priest looked up and stared at Dad for a while and Dad stood there waiting for a reply .
8 She looked up and stared at Melissa in sudden recollection .
9 Breeze sat up and stared at Gay , who was still laughing .
10 She sat up and stared at Matthew , her eyes red with tears .
11 Crowe sat up and stared at Frederica .
12 The ground is being pulled up and relayed in stages .
13 Fast scenarios may also be called up and reprojected in relation to the ongoing situation , so that the probable outcome of a current dilemma may be assessed .
14 John , who had hoped there might be some gin , jumped up and began to hand round glasses .
15 Then Marcus stood up and began to unbutton his shirt further .
16 They were nearly killed when they were held up and shot in Florida .
17 Restlessly , she got up and went into Nina 's office where a small black-and-white television sat on top of the filing cabinets .
18 BUSINESS is so bad for Cornish hoteliers Roy and Anita Simmonds they gave up and went on holiday themselves — in the middle of their peak season .
19 The next morning , November 7th , she got up and went to work .
20 got up and went to work and had this bloody awful throat and I thought ,
21 He married a girl from the Co Down town where he grew up and went to school .
22 By leaving they know they have renounced the country where they were born , grew up and went to school .
23 Reasoning from this he made himself a jading substance compounded of stoat 's liver and rabbit 's liver , dried and powdered up and added to dragon 's blood which was a code name among the old horsemen for one of their more powerful jading substances .
24 One of the vibrancers stood up and sauntered behind Mandru 's couch .
25 Of course , it was n't long before she was rumbled , so she packed up and returned to Scotland , taking me with her .
26 When Broadman got up and waddled past Ymor 's chair the thiefmaster 's arm shot out like a steel spring and grabbed the fat man by his apron .
27 She went up and knocked on Caro 's door .
28 The partner there was terribly embarrassed , rang me up and apologized for hours afterwards , could n't get him off the phone .
29 An eighty five year old man who was beaten up and robbed at knifepoint at his home has been talking about his ordeal .
30 Molly gave it up and drove into Mondano .
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