Example sentences of "up [coord] [art] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 Dud haga was considered by many to be part of growing up and no treatment was therefore thought necessary .
2 But the authorities did little to identify those responsible ; eyewitness evidence was never followed up and no autopsy was performed .
3 She was relieved when the mini-cab drew up and the driver was not the usual small foreigner but a stern-looking English woman : Brian was not rude to people like that .
4 ‘ Gradually I got to know what would work , it caught the mood , the shadows held up and the grain was soft , it was like a pastel painting .
5 It was like that night when I woke up and the hurricane was there , I could n't turn my lights on or nothing I was shitting myself .
6 I had a very lively night — I woke up and the sheet was crawling , literally crawling with lice .
7 In any month in the 1840 's and '50's there were rarely more than live contracts settled up and the figure was usually two or three and sometimes none at all .
8 Sales had picked up and the paper was now established .
9 I looked up and the light was shining through some leaves across his face .
10 Once the drip was up and the monitor was on I was much less mobile but as I gained confidence I learnt how to put the monitor back on if it stopped working when I moved .
11 With an abrupt gesture , the dark , bony , black-clad hands came up and the hood was thrust back .
12 Charlie found that he enjoyed the responsibility of having to organise the section for seven days and was only sorry when his week was up and the task was handed on to someone else .
13 His ulcer had finally blown up and the doctor was rushing him to hospital .
14 The king never turned up and the laird was left with paths on which he could hold a formula one race .
15 And then wanted to publish them and dug them up and the body was in a frightful state of decomposition and some of the hair came away with the poems .
16 The breakdown was only for an hour and a half the lorries turned up and the breakdown was happening .
17 And er a lot of the people , the families had grown up and the housing was in a poor state .
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