Example sentences of "up [conj] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It takes up where MacPuke left off , offering a whole range of activities the computer is likely to perform , and the opportunity to attach any sound to them .
2 Even SCO insiders are speculating on the possibility that Novell could pick up where USL left off or that Microsoft Corp , which already owns a minority piece of SCO , could come back for more .
3 Bartell picks up where Rothko left off , painting rhythmic undulating wave patterns exclusively in red tempera and oil — ‘ the most ambiguous of all the colours ’ — infiltrated by a blackish smoky violet .
4 ‘ Harvester picked up where Berni left off , ’ he says .
5 Sometimes James go up or Dennis goes up .
6 The baby was now cleaned up and Sarah looked down into the bluest eyes she had ever seen .
7 Then they both got up and Rose walked off slowly towards the machines .
8 ‘ But the guys here must remember I still love to stir things up and England do not do justice to people like Will and Jeremy Guscott .
9 He looked fed up and Ruth knew why .
10 The child 's face lit up and Peggy looked down at her , saying , ‘ You 'd like me to bath you ? ’
11 She stood up and Pascoe stood too , oddly formal .
12 Well I , obviously want to try and attend meetings if and when possible , er I 've been to one last week , which basically was er because I do n't feel I 'm qualified to get up and David got up and spoke very well actually , he was always , at the police not neighbourhood watch , er to do with the cascade telephone system which we found out afterwards , after a three quarters hour debate a man came up to Dave afterwards and showed him a memo which said this cascade system has now ceased in November nineteen ninety-two and that was the the abuse on that particular meeting .
13 ‘ The team was playing well on against Brighton up until Barry went off really .
14 Ashley met me in the Jac that night , listened to my woes , bought me drink when I ran out of money ( I 'm sure I was short-changed at the bar ) even though she probably had less dosh than I did , and listened to my woes all over again when we went back to her mum 's and sat up till God knows when , talking low so we would n't wake Dean in the next room .
15 He scarcely looked up as Melanie came in .
16 Nell Anderson glanced up as Delaney came past , making his way to the pre-loaded freight pallets , the liftmaster , and his kit .
17 The girl looked up as Ebert came back into the hold , her eyes wide , filled with fear .
18 He looked up as Phil strolled in , and the sight of him , standing there so ludicrously , so needlessly alive , made his mind veer like a weather vane in a high wind to a more frivolous way of thinking .
19 A great cheer when up as Ann broke away from the crowd and went after Harry , but she hardly heard it .
20 Helen looked up as Mike came back carrying a plate of apple pie .
21 She only looked up as Felipe reined in beside her .
22 She stood up as Wycliffe came in followed by Lucy Lane .
23 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
24 Hayman glanced up as Manville walked in .
25 Josie was laying out makeup brushes on the table , and did n't look up as Lucy stepped inside and half-closed the door behind her .
26 Sophie heaved a long sigh , then looked up as Helen came back to the table , her face drawn and anxious .
27 Elizabeth had won the essay competition and was just about to stand up when Jessica got up and she walked up to Mr and she asked and he asked her what magazine she wanted for the year and she said Rock Seventeen Jessica knew what magazine Elizabeth wanted and she just said Rock Seventeen .
28 Iain looked up when Andrew came in but quickly returned his attention to the screen when he heard the volley of shots and his lips parted slightly at the crescendo of violence and glamour .
29 So dad collected her out of nursery and then Julie picked her up when Jack come out of school .
30 I was just about to pack up when Keith came along . ’
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