Example sentences of "up [verb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 committee system : committees are set up to cope with the problems .
2 Much of this activity was carried out by special commissions especially set up to cope with the flood of material that was uncovered .
3 Here there is a similarity with the way in which a home is set up to cope with the needs and activities of its occupants , who may be compared with the living fire on the hearth !
4 Other raw material was flown back daily to the CIA in America and here too a special department had to be set up to cope with the volume .
5 Many thousands arrived by rail and road and local Kidderminster car-parks were specially opened up to cope with the volume of visitors .
6 " Are you saying I am not to be set up to dine with the Prince at Carlton House ?
7 Health promotion officers have been encouraging people to give up smoking with the help of a scene from the classic movie Casablanca .
8 ‘ Of course it damn well hurts ! ’ she shouted , tears welling up to mingle with the rain .
9 You almost end up yearning with the RAF trainees to be back in the cockpit getting on with the business : flying .
10 She expelled her breath sharply , and automatically reached up to fiddle with the bun at her nape , easing her arms back , trying to release the tension mounting in her shoulders .
11 They duly turned up equipped with a ladder , a hammer and a bag of nails .
12 NEIL Kinnock 's fondness for spicy food made headlines when he ended up brawling with a lout outside his favourite curry house in Ealing , London .
13 C. P. Snow had been a scientist at Christ 's College , Cambridge before he turned to fiction ; William Golding , a Salisbury schoolteacher who gave up teaching with the success of Lord of the Flies , has never exactly written an academic fiction , but The Spire ( 1964 ) is about the enclosed scholastic world of medieval architecture .
14 The research programme seemed to provide the stimulus for improvement around the country , particularly in academic libraries where many working parties were set up to deal with the problem .
15 No but the national accounts department is set up to deal with the head offices of of the key multiples and national accounts .
16 While the move will reassure metropolitan-minded trademark agents — who feared they might have ended up dealing with an office in Wales — it will create some problems .
17 Across the choppy water from them stands Billingsgate Fish Market , smartened up to tone with the neighbourhood .
18 Whenever I go in a minicab on my way to a radio or television programme — the companies are kind enough to take us in a car — I end up discussing with the driver how he has come to Britain in the fairly recent past and now has a job driving round London .
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