Example sentences of "who is [vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Any comprehensive community care system must ensure that all service users have ready access to skilled help from someone who is trained to assess their entitlements , to negotiate on their behalf with the Department of Social Security and other agencies , to assist with budgeting , offer financial advice and , where the individual desires it , hold benefit books and cheque books and arrange for regular bills to be paid and financial commitments to be planned .
2 It is , however , no more paradoxical than speaking of John 's arm , when the arm in question is part of the John who is said to possess it ( or the chassis of the car , for ) .
3 In some cases , it may be proper and reasonable to dismiss at once , especially with a man who is determined to go his own way .
4 Turning reality on its head is now the objective of a national coach who is made to understand it is far from an ideal world every time he picks a Scotland squad .
5 Agassi , who is scheduled to launch his Wimbledon defence on Monday week , has suffered from tendonitis of the right wrist since he was last in action at Barcelona in April .
6 Sperber and Wilson 's ( 1986 ) principle of relevance entitles the hearer to expect adequate contextual effects for the minimum necessary processing effort.5 This means that a speaker who is asked to say what , for example , was said in a lecture would not satisfy the principle of relevance if he or she read out the entire content word for word .
7 This brings some benefits through musical cross-fertilisation between the cathedral and the wider community , but the cathedral does not always get the full benefit of one who is employed to do what is commonly regarded as a full-time job , and this at a time when the Church needs from its organists not only the highest musical expertise but also liturgical knowledge and a readiness to take some part in the running of the cathedral .
8 Yours sincerely , Sophie Arandt Vienna Fräulein , Consult another doctor , who is bound to keep your confidence .
9 In particular we shall discuss the nature of the evaluative activity being required , the type of analysis expected , the value issues involved in a review , the process of review suggested , and who is expected to carry it out .
10 In the end it wins a King 's daughter who is expected to bum its hedgehog-skin at night , and does so , and finds herself clasping a beautiful Prince , all singed and soot-black .
11 But who is qualified to lead us on this Crusade ?
12 Claudio Bartolini will be there to keep an eye on £5.5million Gazza , who is set to make his first competitive outing for more than 15 months .
13 Meanwhile , Tottenham welcome back winger Darren Anderton , who is set to play his first full game after a hernia operation injury for Tottenham against Arsenal .
14 The satirical phrase used to embarrass the ‘ Action Men ’ is that they have the ‘ John Wayne syndrome ’ ; the fact it is Wayne rather than Rambo who is used to ridicule them gives a clue that it tends to be the older members of the force who use the term to describe the exuberant younger policemen .
15 What is in dispute is who is allowed to say they went climbing .
16 Nobody likes a child who is allowed to do whatever she likes , but then again no child is happy if she is always prevented from exploring .
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