Example sentences of "who had to be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had a servant , ’ he went on , ‘ Peters , who had to be sent back to London .
2 There were two clients waiting who had to be sent away . ’
3 Hers was a brave effort for one who had to be whisked off to hospital on Tuesday after a painful accident .
4 It meant taking Weenie and Co. , who had to be made tidy and neat , so it was some time before their caravan set forth .
5 As widely scattered were over a hundred thousand prisoners of war or internees , who had to be tracked down , liberated , and succoured .
6 The hospital of San Giovanni di Dio was practically next door to Headquarters , which was convenient in the case of patients who required a permanent guard or who had to be questioned at intervals .
7 And in the middle of this came the kidnapping of four students , who had to be ransomed from Zairean rebels across the lake .
8 A FIREFIGHTER who had to be airlifted to hospital after crashing through a footbridge into an isolated stream yesterday spoke of his ordeal .
9 No , the people who had ordered Jay 's death — they were the ones who had to be punished .
10 Cuba — only ninety miles from the United States — must have seemed to Khrushchev ( who had to be seen to be making progress on at least one front ) an irresistibly appropriate object for a Soviet response to US arrogance and intransigence .
11 There was a girl called Grace Rumblebow who had to be seen to be believed .
12 The training officer of one licensed dealer taught the Stock Exchange Licensed Representatives ' and Traders ' Examination in the evenings to dealers who had to be pushed into attending his classes , like unwilling schoolboys .
13 Much of London society had moved to Brussels for the summer , there were army officers who would be mortified if they were not invited , and there was the local aristocracy who had to be entertained .
14 The injured included a 24-year-old woman who had to be resuscitated from a heart attack as she was being flown to hospital by helicopter .
15 At or about that time Rostern contained four who had to be moved from their holdings .
16 I knew what he was getting at , of course , and I was so hurt that he should think he had to approach me in such a roundabout fashion — as if I was a terrible , uncharitable woman who had to be coaxed into a simple act of kindness — that I suggested it myself at once , though it was really the last thing I wanted .
17 He said ‘ Come ’ as Greeks prod their donkeys ; as if , it later struck me , I was a potential employee who had to be shown briefly round the works .
18 for example , BBC Television on the evening of the 11 July Day of Action , and the papers next morning , were full of pictures of injured policemen , but the pickets who were injured were hardly mentioned , although among them was a man who had had an epileptic fit , a woman who had collapsed at the rear entrance to the factory and two Yorkshire miners who had to be carried away by their friends .
19 The first , and hardest to resist , was that Charles Frezeli , another MC/10 agent , had just been assassinated in Beirut , leaving three others cut off from contact who had to be brought out before they , too , were killed or induced to talk .
20 I was the patient , who had to be managed , got better , but I did n't exist , other than what their discourse made me .
21 Then there were the chronic sick who had to be looked after .
22 The track had been extensively mined by the Italians and the captured German staff car ran over one , injuring Lieutenant Sutherland who had to be taken back to Siwa .
23 It was at this juncture that Molly was distracted by Jacqueline , who had to be taken back to the house into one of the lavatories sluiced only by a bucket of old chlorinated pool water .
24 The seven deny attempting to wound security forces , and causing an explosion and actual bodily harm to a local man , who had to be taken to hospital with head injuries when the coffee jar device exploded .
25 Their only foe had been the usual plague of flies who had to be slaughtered on a regular basis .
26 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
27 The sentence sounded ludicrous , as if Marcus were some child who had to be humoured .
28 The missile pole-axed Kingstonian goalkeeper Adrian Blake , who had to be helped off the pitch .
29 Also rated only as 50–50 is central defender Kevin Ball , who had to be helped off the field in the FA Cup semi-final victory over Norwich .
30 When the party was over , all but the very young , who had to be confined to their cages for the night , would find their way back into the forest .
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