Example sentences of "who had be [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Vengsarkar , who had been ticking along nicely , was now upstaged by Azharuddin .
2 Both he and Amiss had spent a considerable time comforting Sunil , who had been throwing up on and off for over an hour .
3 Lionel who had been catching up on news from Yorkshire , said , ‘ My brother tells me Hawksworth at the Hall has netted an enormous fish .
4 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
5 Delaney turned aside , and was about to ask Forster if he 'd found the cargo manifest , when Nell , who had been looking over his shoulder , spoke .
6 The rest of the breakfasters , who had been gazing on with fascination , returned also to their newspapers , with the exception of Fishbane , on whom Gooseneck now turned .
7 But yesterday a friend who had been telephoning around Tories who are fighting marginal seats reported that on the doorsteps more voters were saying that , although they did not like the Tories , they liked Mr Kinnock even less .
8 The Feldwebel came back , and the man who had been filling in the new form turned round in his chair and looked at me .
9 There were beds available for those with particular problems , such as those who had been injecting over a long period .
10 Woolton took on to his staff a small group of civil servants who had been working out the implications of the Beveridge report , and also the Uthwatt report on land values .
11 I was reading through back copies of MKM which I do quite often and started to read Help Line in the April '91 issue , when my husband ( who had been clearing out the attic ) came into the room with an old TV Times — Feb 1960 .
12 But then Mr Clancy and Mr Venables , who had been standing by to offer encouragement , had fallen into an argument concerning position .
13 Thierse replaced Markus Meckel , the Foreign Minister , who had been standing in since the March resignation of Ibrahim Böhme [ see p. 37302 ] .
14 Thierse replaced Markus Meckel , the then Foreign Minister , who had been standing in since the March resignation of Ibrahim Böhme [ see p. 37302 ] .
15 Wallace , who had been playing up front with McClair to no devastating effect , moved out to his usual position on the left wing , with similar results .
16 Doctors ordered the star , who had been playing up to 150 gigs every year for the last 10 years , to rest or maybe wreck his voice for good .
17 But his solicitor Geoff Cardwell said Thompson had been worried about a man who had been carrying out some work for his ex-wife .
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