Example sentences of "who had [been] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The office of controller of the coinage of tin , previously held by Sir Thomas Vaughan , passed to another of Edward IV 's household men , Avery Cornburgh , who had been feodary of the duchy and occupier of the mines in Devon and Cornwall .
2 The office of controller of the coinage of tin , previously held by Sir Thomas Vaughan , passed to another of Edward IV 's household men , Avery Cornburgh , who had been feodary of the duchy and occupier of the mines in Devon and Cornwall .
3 There are a handful of representatives of well-known political families , like Nicholas Soames and the present Winston of the Churchills , the Douglases Hogg and Hurd , who are both the sons and grandsons of MPs , while the father of Sir Charles and Peter Morrison ( ‘ Pinky and Perky ’ ) was Lord Margadale , who had been chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee in the fifties and sixties .
4 Initially they were Josiah ( ‘ Jack ’ ) Eccles , formerly head of the Liverpool Corporation electricity undertaking ; Alderman Lewis , a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands ; John Pickles , ex-county electrical engineer of Dumfries and an expert in rural electrification ; and Harry Randall , who had been chairman of the London Supply Companies Association .
5 This was true of Lyfing of Crediton , who had been abbot of Tavistock ; of Æthelric and Eadnoth II of Dorchester , both Ramsey monks ; of Edmund of Durham ; of Brihtwig of Wells , abbot of Glastonbury ; and of Brihtheah of Worcester , abbot of Pershore .
6 In 1619 Sir Thomas Smith , who had been treasurer of the Company since 1609 , was pushed into retirement and the new directors led by Sir Edwin Sandys brought about two important changes .
7 for example , long after Bede , in his Boke of Nurture John Russell , who had been Marshal of the household of the great patron of learning , the youngest son of Henry IV , Duke Humphrey of Gloucester ( 1391–1447 ) , described how the four courses of an elaborate fish-dinner that he had prepared for his master and guests was accompanied by appropriate ‘ subtleties ’ , or ornamental devices .
8 Beyond France , General Charles de Gaulle , who had been Under-Secretary of Defence in 1940 , formed the ‘ Free French ’ movement , based first in London and then ( after 1943 ) Algiers , and claimed to be the ‘ true ’ representative of the French nation .
9 George Blake , the MI6 officer who had been secretary of the committee that had planned Operation Gold in 1953 had joined MI6 shortly after the war .
10 U Aung San was succeeded by an intimate and trusted colleague , Thakin Nu , who had been Secretary of the AFPFL .
11 Casaroli , 76 , who had been Secretary of State since 1979 [ see p. 29852 ] , was widely regarded as the architect of the Vatican 's " Ostpolitik " , stressing closer ties with eastern Europe and the creation of diplomatic links with the Soviet Union [ see pp. 36830 ; 37129 ; 37258 ; 37394 ; 37899 ] .
12 Alessandro Natta , who had been secretary of the PCI from June 1984 to June 1988 ( when he had been succeeded by Achille Occhetto — see p. 35989 ) , announced his retirement from active political life in May 1990 .
13 Brian Whitaker , who had been editor of the Insight team , and had remained alone in the old Grays Inn Road Sunday Times building finishing a book on the sinking of Greenpeace 's Rainbow Warrior , brought along his production skills .
14 The second Duke 's eldest son , Sir Walter Stewart , who had been Keeper of Dumbarton castle , was imprisoned on the bleak Bass Rock , and others were summarily tried and executed for treason and conspiracy .
15 Abberley , who had been head of the School 's maintenance and ground staff since 1944 .
16 During the 1950s Adenauer had favoured such individuals as Hans Glöbke ( who had been head of the Chancellor 's office ) and Theodor Oberländer ( a Cabinet minister ) despite their close involvement in shaping Nazi policies .
17 Mba , hitherto governor of the regional bank , the Banque des états de l'Afrique centrale ( BEAC ) , replaced Léon Mebiame who had been head of government since 1981 .
18 US President Bush ( who had been head of the then US liaison mission in Beijing in 1974-75 ) , appeared to want to restore relations as they had been before the Tiananmen Square massacre , but often came under congressional pressure to adopt a policy more critical of China .
19 Augustus Aikhomu , who had been Chief of General Staff until the abolition of the post and his appointment as Vice-President on Aug. 30 [ see p. 37644 ] , was among those retiring from the forces , but he remained a member of the governing Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) .
20 Danov also confirmed allegations that 17 key files on the Markov case had disappeared , and he suggested that these had been destroyed by Gen. Vladimir Todorov , who had been chief of intelligence at the Interior Ministry in 1978 and who in May had fled to Moscow in defiance of an order not to leave Bulgaria .
21 Three whites were appointed : Dennis Norman , who had been Minister of Agriculture in 1980-85 ; Chris Anderson , the outgoing Minister of State for Public Service ; and Timothy Stamps , one of five ministers new to the government .
22 He was succeeded on June 22 by Javier Solana Madariaga , 50 , who had been Minister of Education and Science since 1988 and was regarded as a close associate of Prime Minister Felipe González .
23 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
24 He obtained 103,244 votes ( 55.08 per cent ) in the second round , against 84,178 votes ( almost 45 per cent ) for Mohammed Taki , who had been Speaker of the National Assembly between 1980 and 1985 but who now represented the Union nationale pour la démocratie aux Comores ( UNDC ) .
25 The grim reality of the war was reinforced when Gad Gross , who had been part of the JB group , was killed by Iraqi soldiers on 29th March .
26 And although Big Flame was never an ‘ entryist ’ party-within-a-party , like some of the Trotskyite groups , including Militant Tendency , everyone who had been part of it remained friends .
27 " He was convinced " , wrote Tupper , " that the German man-in-the-street was participating in this senseless and savage struggle because the Prussian system forced him to ; the ordinary subject of the Kaiser might be misled into believing his cause just — but he could not conceive it possible that the German sailormen who had been part of our Merchant Service could have anything but hatred for this catastrophe " .
28 I wanted to live awhile among those who had been part of his childhood and his last few years .
29 In 1968 , to restore public confidence in the so-called finance houses , banks and other money-lending agencies , a Committee of Enquiry was appointed under the chairmanship of Lord Crowther who had been Governor of the Bank of England .
30 Carter 's Republican opponent this time was Ronald Reagan , a not very distinguished former Hollywood film star who had been Governor of California .
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