Example sentences of "who had [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Former BNP members who had split from the party in July 1988 ( see p. 36558 ) formed the Bangladesh Democratic Party in July 1989 .
2 The two men , who had escaped from a coach taking them to the magistrates ' court in Reading , were taken to hospital to have their broken arms set in plaster .
3 Suddenly Hari thought of the man who had escaped from the prison , he was the same sort as Emily Grenfell , no doubt before he fell from grace they would have met and socialized .
4 Chief amongst them was Roger Mortimer of Wigmore , who had escaped from the Tower while under sentence of death .
5 Interestingly , there are signs that those who had escaped from the royal mouvance were not entirely comfortable in their independence .
6 Of the hundreds of prisoners who had escaped from the orphanage there were still a number hidden in the surrounding countryside , but I did not know where .
7 The experiences of some of the Second World ( communist ) countries , those who had escaped from the grip of global capitalism , particularly the Soviet Union and then China , seemed to lend support to the argument .
8 Watt , who had to withdraw from the loose-head prop berth for last weekend 's Paris international on account of a ‘ viral complaint ’ , has had a series of tests under the care of the SRU 's honorary surgeon , Donald MacLeod , and they will continue when he sees another specialist on Monday .
9 Fifty four of the original 70 patients attended the examination and two additional patients who had moved from the district had gastroscopy done elsewhere .
10 Lying on the floor was my one legged soldier , Sam , who had fallen from the shelf .
11 Proudly holding his RFC logbook , in which is a section headed ‘ Rendcomb ’ — here was a man who had flown from the aerodrome not for recreation and a sense of history , but to ready himself and others for war .
12 When Mr Baker quoted Henry 's words before Agincourt — ‘ He which hath no stomach to this fight , let him depart ’ — it was seen , not as an attack on Labour , but a slight on the Chancellor who had decamped from the conference for Blaby .
13 The Pompey chimes were echoing around north London as the 20,000 supporters who had travelled from the south coast prepared to celebrate .
14 He reminded her of his father , who had suffered from a lung disease .
15 Schweinfurt people who had suffered from the bombing avoided the speech , saying they ‘ did n't want to know any more of the war ’ and that ‘ the Führer is mentally disturbed and megalomaniac ’ .
16 He believed that the central problem was that of helping the existing aged poor who had suffered from the bad industrial conditions of the past , and that younger generations should be induced to save .
17 They were almost all men who had risen from the lower middle or even working class .
18 Major Sylvain Raynal was a man of great courage who had risen from the ranks .
19 Another influential grandfather was a Scots miner who had retired from the pit to become the gardener of a big house at Broomie Knowe .
20 Fierce , sourly wise old adepts , who had retired from the field of stars , coached the intake of novices in the outer secrets of the art of the Inquisitor , his ken and practice .
21 Abas , who had retired from the intelligence services in 1988 , was alleged to have been responsible for human rights violations during the period of military rule in 1980-83 .
22 Rawlings , who had retired from the air force on Sept. 14 in order to comply with electoral rules excluding serving members of the armed forces from candidacy , stood for the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) [ see p. 39084 ] .
23 The reviewer called him a ‘ Joycean Hell 's Angel ’ who had created from the tawdry San Francisco Tenderloin district ‘ an unnerving and utterly persuasive rendition of hell ’ .
24 A still , small voice inside him murmured ‘ this is all too easy ’ , but offers flooded in from the combines , the multi-nationals , the companies who had profited from the rape of the Earth , and who were now taking their ecological molestation into space .
25 Diane exchanged a couple of words and a smile with a young man who had emerged from a side door carrying a clipboard and what looked like a litre bottle of clear water .
26 Nathan , who had emerged from the room behind , took in the situation at a glance and , with a blood-curdling scream , threw himself at Lennon .
27 The tall black man who had emerged from the Lincoln was dressed in a dark blue three-piece suit that looked incongruously heavy for such a hot day .
28 He tried to keep his eyes off the little man who had emerged from the ship .
29 Grooms came at once , and briskly , to take the bridles , and a spruce page came bounding down the steps from the hall door to greet the newcomers and discover their business here , but he was waved away by an older steward who had emerged from the stables .
30 There was no fire there , now , no sign of life , nor of the spirit that had once shrieked at the local folk who had emerged from the fortress demesne to loot and honour the dead : Four black-robed women and one man , robed in grey , a greybeard : he had understood the mythology of stone .
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