Example sentences of "who have never [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Diana is an Uptown girl who has never gone in for downtown men , ’ observes Rory Scott .
2 AN 11-year-old Ulster girl who has never acted before has landed the starring role in a new £500,000 film .
3 What his mate , who has never bothered much with politics , discovers about our police on the one hand and lawyers on the other , forces him to take over the activist role in this tough political thriller .
4 Maggie reckons her family should be help up as a warning to everyone who has never got round to it .
5 There was a desert island room , a medieval castle , a railway Pullman carriage , a dungeon , a school classroom , and a hospital ward for those who 'd never grown out of playing doctors and nurses .
6 We had taken a London business colleague out who had never fished before ; the sort of man who had done everything and knew everything .
7 The outbreak of war found him a colonel of fifty-eight , who had never served abroad .
8 She , who had never made more than toast at a schoolroom fire , became an enthusiastic , if variable , cook .
9 The blood , the gaping holes , the bone sticking out of flesh , the stench of burst intestines — I am telling you this only because the effect on me , a boy who had never seen even a peacefully dead body before that day , was one I should never have predicted .
10 The most effective operations against the Japanese were launched by the Karens of the border hills who had never given up , awaiting the British return .
11 He might still only be a juvenile who had never flown freely on the wind but he felt he had done nothing to warrant the abuse and fury of an eagle whose name he did not even know .
12 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
13 I wanted her , at my convenience , to become a nurturing Mother Earth figure who would take care of my when I felt unable to cope , and the little girl who had never grown up was crying out for help and approval .
14 G.K. Chesterton had the same message in The Secret People , who had never spoken yet .
15 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we saw in the town meetings , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them together saying we want our future back .
16 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them saying we want our future back . ’
17 While Gemma , who had never thought very much about it , her own education having come to her just as easily and plentifully as soap and hot water and extremely private sanitary arrangements , had found it something to think about now , when any new thought would have been welcome .
18 The tribunal had heard evidence that names on nursing rostas included people who had never worked there , and two who had worked for only one day .
19 The ante-natal clinic proper , beyond the red mouth and throat of reception , was , like the whole maternity wing , part of a military hospital added hastily at the beginning of the last war , in anticipation of hosts of wounded soldiers who had never come there .
20 ‘ When we played St Helens in our first match we had nine players who had never competed together before , ’ he said .
21 In Edna O'Brien 's A Pagan Place , which followed Veterans at the Royal Court in 1972 , Eyre drew from a 16-year-old school girl called Veronica Quilligan , who had never acted before , a performance of exquisite subtlety and emotional truth .
22 Because everybody was treated equally at the start of their Legion service , Mike , who had learnt his killing in the bush war in Rhodesia , was treated the same as a South Vietnamese man who had never put on a uniform in his life .
23 We get so many people who have never ridden before , therefore we dare not put them on anything that is too high-spirited . ’
24 In my experience a great number of these are people who lacked little in terms of orthodox belief or depth of experience but who have never understood why their faith is true .
25 We do not distinguish experiences from non-experiences as we might distinguish oranges from apples , viz. by indicating certain characteristics that might enable anyone , including those who have never tasted either fruit , to tell one from the other .
26 People who have never voted before might think yes I suppose that 's how we change things .
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