Example sentences of "who have [adv] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Benjamin Braddock , who has just graduated with honours , flies back to his wealthy family in Southern California suburbia .
2 The communicator who has not interacted with the material and is merely passing on what he or she has read or been told functions as a tertiary source .
3 LEON RUSSELL ‘ Anything Can Happen ’ first album for ten years from the much-respected musician and songwriter who has previously worked with Phil Spector , Bob Dylan , George Harrison and the Rolling Stones
4 This sort of plot is , in a way , the ultimate temptation to any writer who has ever toyed with producing detective fiction .
5 Anyone who has ever sailed with Phil Andrews will agree that there is never a dull moment or lack of sea time , and my time with him on Valiant was certainly full of those ingredients .
6 Anyone who has ever played with a gyroscope will know that the object displays a distinct aversion to being turned upside-down ; in many ways the spinning Earth can be viewed as a sort of super-heavy gyroscope .
7 That I am jealous of every woman who has ever slept with him .
8 I benefitted amazingly from the experience and I think almost anybody who has ever worked with Lindsay has benefitted from the experience .
9 Although not new , DELIA SMITH 'S CHRISTMAS ( BBC , Books , £12.95 ) is just the gift for anyone who has never coped with Christmas before .
10 Barricaded inside , Roger Jones , a 52 year old self-employed electrician , who 'd allegedly threatened with a shotgun 3 men who 'd called at his home .
11 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
12 For the tourney I returned to the serving table to serve the knights who had just fought with a drink , and serve the ladies with bread , cheese and fruit .
13 In the late 1950s and early 1960s a survey of sources of radio waves from outer space was carried out at Cambridge by a group of astronomers led by Martin Ryle ( who had also worked with Bondi , Gold , and Hoyle on radar during the war ) .
14 The final version was more stringent than the original proposals , broadening the criteria for screening to ban those who had simply collaborated with the StB ( Security Service ) .
15 The Whigs perhaps enjoyed an overall majority , since the House chose as its Speaker Henry Powle , who had generally sided with the opposition during the Exclusion Parliaments , over the Tory candidate , Sir Edward Seymour .
16 Management was passed to Tony Barker , a law graduate of Yale , who had formerly worked with BOC .
17 Throughout his career at the library , James constantly blocked efforts to improve security and cataloguing procedures , in particular those proposed by the director , Islamicist Wilfrid Lockwood , who had formerly worked with British Intelligence .
18 Primarily ET , as realized on-screen , was the creation of Carlo Rambaldi , an Italian sculptor and inventor ( his own self-description ) , who had formerly worked with Spielberg on Close Encounters of the Third Kind ( 1977 ) and with Ridley Scott on Alien ( 1979 ) .
19 [ For resignation in July of Industry Minister Stavros Dimas , who had reportedly clashed with Mitsotakis 's wife , see p. 38357 . ]
20 There had been presents and people who had not bothered with her much during the ten years she had worked there became friendly .
21 ‘ Me old man 's got one from the market to burn but you can 'ave it , ’ said Rosa , who had already started with her sixth child .
22 On June 4 Macierewicz ( as Interior Minister ) distributed to the chairmen of parliamentary parties and to the Speakers and Deputy Speakers of both houses sealed envelopes containing the names of 64 deputies , senators , present and former ministers and Presidential Chancellery officials who had allegedly collaborated with the Polish security services under the communist regime .
23 Only eight of us had any sort of previous military experience : Marius , myself , Chris , a German from Oberammergau who had killed a tourist in the celebrations surrounding the Passion Play , a Frenchman , Mike the Rhodesian , and a Portuguese and a Rumanian who had both served with their countries ' airborne regiments .
24 With many of the other leading generation engineers having taken positions as divisional controllers , he was difficult to replace , and responsibility as Pask 's deputy for generation thus fell to J. D. Peattie , an ex-CEB operations engineer , with little experience of the power station design side , and to other ex-CEB staff who had previously liaised with the undertakings on power station design .
25 The Guides were started in 1991 by , who had previously worked with volunteer guides at museums in Oxford and London .
26 Looking into her great eyes , their blue so dark that it was almost black , he was uncomfortably aware that having Miss Sally-Anne McAllister in the house was a most disturbing influence on a man who had not only denied himself sexually for some years , but who had rarely mixed with young women at all since he had left the army .
27 Yesterday , Lord Justice Slade , sitting with Lord Justice Mann and Sir David Croom-Johnson , said Mrs Luxmoore-May deserved sympathy , as did anyone who had unwittingly parted with a ‘ sleeper ’ — an item of hitherto unrecognised value .
28 She gave the name of her father , who had recently retired with a substantial pension from a very senior appointment with a multi-national corporation .
29 And all those who had silently wished with all their might that they might dare challenge the hegemony of dowdiness took to ‘ Next ’ like ducks to water .
30 It was he , too , who had once dealt with a particularly troublesome stoat by leading it down among the pheasant coops and so ( at the risk of his own life ) on to a keeper 's gun .
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