Example sentences of "who have [verb] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 BEST READER OF THIS COLUMN : Ron Turner , who has written me more letters than any other reader in my career to date .
2 Bishop Harris , who has welcomed me so warmly , has expressed his willingness to continue on until the end of the year whilst I complete my own duties in Westminster diocese .
3 She 's the expert who has shown me how devious the female of the species can be . ’
4 Other than a double-dealing traitor who has chiselled me out of my dues , while throwing out lures to throw dust in my eyes ! ’
5 I was looking for then features ed James Brown , who 'd phoned me up on the strength of Issue One of my fanzine This Is This ( which went on to sell in excess of 30 copies to my friends and family ) .
6 Oddly enough , one of Pierre Salinger 's researchers , Linda Mack , while trying to check me out , had talked to another of their staffers , David Mills — the former Newsweek photographer who 'd looked me up on Cyprus in 1987 and sold some pictures to Hurley .
7 I asked if I could see the people who 'd brought me in and after a few minutes , Bunny and Rayleen appeared at the bedside .
8 I protested loudly against the darkness , nature 's traps and , above all , kept thinking of those assailants who 'd attacked me yesterday .
9 Earnest me anyway slightly hankered alter another Italian boy , Joseph , who had invited me out for a walk .
10 Merlyn Rees , Gregor Mackenzie and John Cunningham , all of whom were friends who had served me as Parliamentary Private Secretaries , rallied at once and with Tom McNally , my Political Adviser , formed a small inner team to conduct the contest on my behalf .
11 It was the Officer who had turfed me out of the church yesterday when I was playing the bagpipes .
12 The only sadness was that my parents , who had supported me so fully in the earlier days , were n't there to enjoy my success . ’
13 The white frilly aprons and mob caps clearly labelled those who had elected to become servants for the afternoon ; less easily identifiable were the spiv I 'd spotted earlier — with his slicked-back , Brylcreemed hair and sneer of a moustache — and the vampish creature dressed in black taffeta adorned with diamanté who had looked me up and down disdainfully .
14 Then I realized that the house did not belong to a human , but to the horse who had brought me here .
15 If I sometimes recognized this , I blamed my Aunt Lilian who had brought me up to give too much importance to careers and causes and things of the mind , simply because she had never known , herself , any of the pleasures of the body , and had , as a result , made me feel guilty now .
16 The man who had shown me in reached a pewter tankard down from the Welsh dresser and filled it with champagne .
17 Even people who have played me before can still struggle .
18 It will not please members of the Prison Officers Association , who have kept me well informed over the years .
19 If I look back on the people who have led me very well in the past , it was those who were able to create and sustain just such a sense of challenge .
20 SIR — Although like most MPs I accept the principle that a majority of one is enough , I find it difficult to explain to my Southend Conservative supporters who have phoned me why your paper takes the view that there was a 4.43 per cent swing from Conservative to Labour in our constituency .
21 Moving on through your questions , you also asked for ten people who have inspired me politically .
22 ‘ With my two dear , good friends who have brought me this far , nothing can go wrong now . ’
23 I never give up on people — even those who have let me down in the past .
24 I like big heads that are flat at the back , not pointed , and for that reason in recent years it is Korean males who have attracted me most , with their rich , straight black hair laid perpendicularly on that square-backed skull — always , to me , the sign of a male good at mathematics , the sexiest science .
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