Example sentences of "who be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're selling the work of artists who are on the crest of the wave in the market ; every indication is that they 're selling to raise capital .
2 ‘ And even the Scots who are on the tour will find it different .
3 And it' not just the people who are on the dole but the employers too .
4 Will he consider in particular the training workshop recycling products in my constituency , Track 2000 in Splott , whose income was ended as a result of his cuts in employment training , where the trainers , who are on the dole , and the trainees , who do not get a training allowance , are coming in voluntarily ?
5 The amount each local authority receives is likely to be calculated on the number of people in each area who are on the Poll Tax Register .
6 In any event , applicants who are on the border insofar as technical skills and experience are concerned will be interviewed .
7 You 're so bloody superior , Annie , you and your nice little middle-class husband , nice little part-time jobs , you just condescend to women who are on the breadline , fucked over by their husbands , exploited by the capitalists …
8 Registers tend to be filled in , often to a pattern , sometimes in advance , whereas actual attendance , particularly in rural areas may be far more sporadic than indicated , while in certain communities ( as with nomads such as the Kenya Turkana or Moslem communities suspicious of the corrupting influence of western schools on their children ) it is not uncommon to find considerable numbers of pupils who are on the roll , but attend sporadically and unwillingly .
9 I think it was really because Paul felt that everything was going really well with the partnership board , and he 'd been erm putting a lot of work in with people like erm from Scarborough , and John and er other people who are on the board , but he 'd rather been neglecting building up a really good working relationship with N Y T E C.
10 Women who take the contraceptive pill and who also smoke cigarettes are more likely to have a coronary attack , stroke or blood clot in the leg veins , which may shift to the lung ( pulmonary embolism ) than non-smokers who are on the pill .
11 Chapter 7 gives some advice about creating a school climate within which it is the people who are bitter and negative who are on the back foot , and where ideas and adventures can prosper .
12 War boars are evil minded creatures that will take every opportunity to maim , bite , and kick their Orc masters but this does n't really bother the Orcs who are on the whole sensible enough to keep out of the way .
13 He sensed vaguely that he was inferior , as do the majority of those who are on the threshold of the bourgeoisie but who do not know its inner secrets .
14 SUEDE , who are on the verge of signing a major recording deal with Sony , have announced details of their second single and three September dates .
15 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
16 Well , in this passage that we 've been reading , we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death .
17 Notices for you , first of all those of you who are on the Committee .
18 The gipsies who are on the laybys and the verges of west Oxfordshire are people who wish to stay living in caravans .
19 The other players who are on the list are David Batty , Paul Ince , Paul Parker , Lee Dixon , and Tony Adams .
20 who are on the staff , and in theory work until quarter to eight
21 Less directly but equally importantly , people living in the vicinity of a large plant would not take kindly to the idea that it was not under the control of human beings who are on the spot and are assumed to know exactly what is happening .
22 This appeal to hear God continues throughout the Bible : ‘ All who are on the side of truth , ’ Jesus told Pilate at his trial , ‘ listen to my voice . ’
23 The women 's resistance movement crystallized around this refusal , drawing hostile comment from Alfred Evans , who praised the " shoulder to shoulder " solidarity with the ETS shown by his own members , while deploring the aid given to the resisters by " middle-class women who are on the warpath on behalf of the employers " .
24 Our young musicians who are on the Scholarship Scheme will be there , of course , but we are opening the summer school to anyone who is interested in spending several days in the beautiful atmosphere of Ushaw College , learning about the Church 's prayer and worship , and having some relaxing fun along the way .
25 What choice have you given the million people who 're on the waiting list for National Health Service ?
26 Wolfgang Rosch , the deputy commander of the Leipzig worker 's militia , which had been out in force during recent demonstrations , admitted that members ‘ had the same concerns as the people who were on the streets ’ .
27 I have seen in my own area where wee lads who were on the border line of going one way or another regarding life in Northern Ireland , ending up getting jobs and doing great for a year and at the end of the year just thrown back onto the dole and people have lost interest in them again .
28 The Nuclear Test Veterans Association has been fighting for 10 years to get compensation for British servicemen who were on the Pacific islands when the tests took place in the 1950s .
29 The two men were waiting for Gesner , the production manager , and the two members of the Gemeinderat who were on the theatre committee .
30 They brought out large packs of cigarettes — then rationed — and shared them out among the men who were on the road watching .
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