Example sentences of "who be [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Jesus Christ , you have promised perfect liberty to those who trust you ; we cry to you for those who are at this moment enslaved by their need to take drugs .
2 It is important that those who are on such diets long term take care to ensure an adequate intake of essential nutrients .
3 So watch out Transworld and Pan , who are the two who are on either side of HarperCollins in my sales league this year .
4 It is the cattle dealers and butchers of the town who are of most interest to us , for it was they who took the dog of Rottweil and turned him to their use with great effect .
5 We all have to be near something — work , college , family — there are very few people who are without any ties and can genuinely live anywhere .
6 Napoleon himself had plenty to do , but a Napoleon is a member of a conceptual class of people who are like each other ; and likeness , the ‘ unseemly likeness ’ of The Double , is fraught throughout Dostoevsky .
7 Furthermore , to the extent that a tendency has developed to disbelieve policemen , who are after all officers of the law , it marks a serious deterioration in the quality of the administration of justice .
8 Because we 're talking to a lot of professional people who are from all Scots you name it they 're from it .
9 If we decide that poor people are those whose income falls below a certain specified level , then we will have to count all those who are in that category .
10 I have several friends and relatives who are in that position , two who have been left by a husband and it 's absolutely not ideal for a child but compensation can be made by a loving relationship with extended family .
11 Very much so , because er this is going to be a , a very substantial complex , er I think that er the involvement of the local community and local business can involve , can , can start with simply the construction , can go on to er the different , er the different types of businesses , I mean I 'm not , I 'm not in for instance in the licensed trade , but we 're certainly going to need people who are in that business , we 're going to need restaurateurs , we 're going to need er all types of local business , businesses to actually get that centre er thriving .
12 There is in fact a general danger that ‘ good ’ records will turn out to look remarkably similar to one another , ‘ bad ’ records made up only for non-conformists , individualists , or those who are in some way social or school ‘ loners ’ .
13 Whatever the authors ' texts may say , the whole lay-out of such books implies that anthropology is essentially concerned with the lives of people who are in some way inferior and/or deprived .
14 But despite this , Telethon is expected to raise millions of pounds for thousands of people who are in some way in need .
15 who are in some cases worse than we thought
16 Most of the increase in illegitimate births has been to women who are in some kind of informal union , not living on their own holding the baby .
17 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
18 The seminars are intended to offer ‘ help and guidance on the application of the Data Protection Act to all those who are in any way involved with the use of computerised personal information , regardless of their area of business ’ .
19 To highlight the importance of giving practical help to people who are in any kind of need .
20 Shoppers who are in any doubt should ask their card company for a new card .
21 It 's quite possible that the adventurers will take Handout 4 ( if they 've found this ) to refer to these puppets , who are in any event only too eager to put on a show for any visitors .
22 Some of them and we make no bones about this , are delivered undoubtedly to minorities , they 're delivered to small groups of people in the city , to people who are in any care in the community need to be given special consideration .
23 However , locally there are things we can do er in terms of trying to improve the kind , er the amount of support available er to er young people and single people in general , who are in this predicament .
24 Later my father again applied for leave of absence , which Your Grace refused to grant , though you permitted me , who am in any case only a half-time servant , to travel alone .
25 It was a real shock to the boys who were on that night . ’
26 It was well received , and we plan to run some more and invite people who were on that session if they wanted to play a similar role .
27 The Report began by identifying some 130,000 part-time teachers in further and adult education who were at that time employed by local authorities and although nobody knows how many are employed over the country as a whole at present , even after the severe reductions of recent years they are likely to number more than 100,000 .
28 ‘ I would like to speak to any spectators who were at that match — particularly if they remember seeing a young girl in the company of an older man . ’
29 We 're chasing up two other people who were at that party , and who both seem to have gone out for the day .
30 First , the Athenians who were dismissed from Ithome for ‘ subversive tendencies ’ were not the Athenians who were at that moment overturning the Areopagus but precisely Kimon and ‘ his ’ hoplites ( but we have no right to assume that he chose them personally ; four thousand are a lot of people to know by name ) .
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