Example sentences of "who [was/were] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the SPOs — who were intended to be the key link between ‘ bottom-up ’ development and strategic planning — had large managerial responsibilities and were grafted on to the developmental CMHT model rather than being key initiators of it .
2 Before it left , the UN mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .
3 There was no confirmation of the claim , although there was no contact with the CBS and ABC TV correspondents , who were said to be among them .
4 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
5 The Nightriders collected cash for Children in Need from passengers who were said to be full of Christmas spirit .
6 In popularizing this slogan Labour was enormously aided by widespread resentment against ‘ profiteers ’ — a word universally used during the war to describe the conduct of shipowners , food wholesalers , arms contractors , landlords and all the other ‘ Brit-Huns ’ who were said to be exploiting wartime scarcities to line their own pockets while workers and soldiers loyally gave their all for the war effort .
7 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
8 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
9 Some 10,000 Nigerians , who were said to be either illegal immigrants or Nigerians who had volunteered to return , were repatriated in mid-October , prompting an official protest from the Nigerian government which alleged that the deportees had been mistreated ; the opposition Gabonese Progress Party also criticized the action as a breach of human rights .
10 Immediately after the first wave of evacuation had taken place there was a chorus of outrage from reception areas about some of the evacuees — evidently those from the poorest homes in inner-city areas — who were said to be filthy , verminous , incontinent , ungrateful and thoroughly ill-mannered .
11 A Labour Party spokesman said the Opposition accepted the principle of expatriate voting , but disapproved of ‘ disproportionate ’ Government effort and expense devoted to ‘ chasing ’ overseas voters who were assumed to be Tories .
12 Second , and more important , even nobles who were determined to be recalcitrant expressed their recalcitrance in many different ways .
13 But some drivers who were assessed to be unsafe admitted that their peers encouraged them to drive fast .
14 Er in fact it was put to me as as an option by Superintendent that this could be , if this could be done er at the time er if I recall one of the reasons erm that we were n't able to do it in such a way was that there are numerous exits to the block of flats and each exit would have had to be covered by at least two armed officers we only only had in the region of twenty five officers available to us at that time in the police who were authorised to be armed and to maintain such a surveillance , erm not only would be very costly in the terms of the number of officers .
15 Frank Laczko and Chris Phillipson show how the emergence of retirement in the twentieth century created a sharp dividing line between those who were seen to be actively part of the community and those who were not .
16 The leadership was actually a collective one rather than a personal domination , and Law recognized his obligation to take the advice of those who were seen to be worthy of consultation by the party as a whole .
17 The aim during the Tory Reaction was to use the full weight of the law against those who were perceived to be enemies of the Church and State .
18 At the start of the following week , James Callaghan , then a young Parliamentary Secretary , was among a group of Ministers outside the Cabinet who were summoned to be told of the Cabinet 's decision .
19 What you had was , F B I agents who were trained to be proactive , to be to do things , to force a conclusion .
20 In the hospital kitchen there was a gulf between those who were meant to be in charge and those who actually carried out the work .
21 This was a period of rapid development in the technology and tactics of warfare ; gone were the Frankish troops of the time of Charlemagne , who were expected to be riders , foot soldiers , swordsmen , spearsmen and archers all at once .
22 In the inquiries into the deaths of children like Maria Colwell , Jasmine Beckford and Kimberley Carlile ( DHSS , 1982 ; Blom-Cooper , 1986 , 1987 ) the observation has been repeatedly made that children who were known to be ‘ at risk ’ were failed by those given the statutory duty to protect them , because of poor communication , mistakes about knowing who was ( or was not ) responsible for undertaking particular tasks , and , it has to be admitted , professional rivalries and jealousies .
23 War weariness was increasing the unpopularity of the Whigs , and although the Tories were happy with Queen Anne , the prospect of the succession of the House of Hanover , foreign Lutherans who were known to be sympathetic to the Whigs , was not particularly appealing to them .
24 She was the only player from almost 100 who were screened to be offered a place on the squad .
25 Each club have been fined the same amount as Arsenal , who were found to be the less culpable party in the mass scuffle with Norwich City on November 4 .
26 World-wide co-operation in the matter of the venereal diseases was first formalized by the Brussels agreement of 1924 when the signatories undertook to provide a free treatment service for seamen of all countries who were found to be suffering from infection .
27 ACA ACA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Stockport between 1 February 1991 and 31 October 1991 passed clients ' monies through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
28 ACA , FCA ACA and FCA all of all of Bridge House , Heap Bridge , Bury , Lancs who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Bury between 7 August 1991 and 8 September 1991 passed clients ' monies through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
29 FCA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Hoylake on or about 17 September 1990 passed client 's money through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
30 This hypothesis is compatible with earlier results and with a study of hypertensive patients with high renin profiles , a condition likely to be associated with increased angiotensin II , who were found to be at higher risk of coronary heart disease than those with low renin profiles .
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