Example sentences of "who [vb past] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Michael Hughes , who met up with the rest of the party here in Frankfurt last night , is likely to be given a more forward role supporting Dowie .
2 shine On ridden with breathtaking confidence by the young apprentice Kelly Connor who got up in the last stride to — ’
3 Nothing was left but a clearing in the forest and a flock of doves who rose up into the air , wheeled round , and flew off .
4 It is a real moral aberration that leaves at liberty those who violated human dignity and those who rose up against the constitutional order . ’
5 A test was arranged involving a detachment of Guards who lined up along the WCs and flushed in unison .
6 The career of Miller had been that of a classic party functionary rising to PUWP central committee secretary and politburo member , whereas Kwasniewski , who came up through the editorship of party youth wing newspapers to become Minister of Youth and Sports from 1985 , had made his name as a pragmatist and advocate of co-operation with Solidarity in the 1989 round table talks .
7 It was a day of mixed emotions for a player who came up through the ranks at Ayresome Park .
8 Guest of honour was Brigadier Garton who came up for the evening from his base at Catterick Garrison .
9 The design of the cap badge had been the result of a competition which was won by Sergeant Bob Tait who came up with the winged dagger emblem .
10 Tim Kaihatsu wrote quite a lot — in fact , he was the one who came up with the most material .
11 It was Alistair Bruce who came up with the idea .
12 It was Shelley who came up with the aggressive sounding Boadicea .
13 His wife Jackie , 30 , said : ‘ It was the salesman who came up with the price and they have signed a contract .
14 Likewise David Hart , General Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers , who came up with the poetic gem : ‘ The Council is being made more and more the poodle of centralised government . ’
15 YOUR reader who came up with the old nonsense about teachers ' holidays obviously knows nothing about the job .
16 The extra performance on the Tuesday in aid of the new cancer day-care ward at Whiston Hospital raised three hundred pounds and special thanks go to Betty who came up with the original idea and everyone involved who organized the marvellous spread for the soiree afterwards .
17 Despite that success , the playwright had difficulty raising the money to bring the comedy into the West End , although the backer who came up with the all-important £1,000 needed to clinch the deal was able to retire to a South Sea island on his share of the profits .
18 ONCE-RACED MILIYEL * , who came up against the 1,000 Guineas ante-post favourite Musicale when both made their debut at Lingfield last season , may open her account in the Geoffrey Barling Maiden Fillies ' Stakes ( 2.00 ) at Newmarket today .
19 Those who came up from the Kinlochleven side may climb Am Bodach with the plan to turn east and do Na Gruagaichean , or carry on westwards for Stob Ban .
20 The Cutty Sark is now looked after by the Maritime Trust , who teamed up with the Cutty Sark Society in 1989 .
21 One of the precautions was that everybody however remotely connected with the pie had to have their excreta tested , and this fact led to the pinstriped officials from Westminster who turned up on the night before pie day being turned away .
22 It was a show of force which appeared somewhat out of proportion to the 200 or so trade unionists who turned up outside the court .
23 It had been Marcus who turned up at the Evans house on Saturday afternoon when Pascoe was there .
24 The conference theme ‘ A Better Mousetrap ’ , ties in with the centenary of crime novelist Agatha Christie , who turned up at The Old Swan after her own mysterious disappearance , and the titles of some of the papers will reflect the investigation , detection and arrest of some villains that threaten our property , our health or our lives .
25 Sadly , wayward genius GEORGIE BEST , who turned up with The Farm , slickly eluded our lensman and left after about ten minutes to dance his studded boots off at some West End nightclub .
26 As a regular attender of Irish League games could I suggest that the 22,000 who turned up for the United v Villa debacle perhaps try the fare served up in the Irish League which I 've no doubt they would find much more exciting ( unless Bangor and Ards are involved ! )
27 Switching between one-day and five-day mode was unpopular with the players , and the new showbiz-style razzmatazz that accompanied the games seemed specifically designed to cater for the drunken yobbos who turned up by the cartload .
28 Like the Eighties terrace tearaways in Britain who showed up for the match in Barbour jackets and deerstalkers , these B- boys were appropriating the ruling class style and parading it with a sardonic grin .
29 Centre Tim Horan was a firm favourite with the black and coloured youngsters who showed up at the Wallaby coach-in held at the Dan Qeqe Stadium in the Zwide township near Port Elizabeth .
30 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
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