Example sentences of "who [modal v] [be] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The most common drill — and this is even practised by the better players who may be struggling with their groundstrokes — is to put targets within 60–90cm ( 2–3ft ) of the baseline and inside tramline and think in terms of rallying while aiming at the targeted areas .
2 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that our friends and allies round the world who may be faced with potentially aggressive neighbours are entitled to look to us for support in arms sales , for example , of the Challenger tank which is made in Leeds , and that nothing proposed on restricting arms sales generally in the interests of world peace will prevent us from supporting our allies in circumstances where that is necessary ?
3 Rather they rely not only to some extent upon judgement and intuition about the future , but also upon personal negotiations and bargaining between the executives , who may be competing with each other for scarce resources and may each be supporting their case with OR and economic models .
4 Here there is a similarity with the way in which a home is set up to cope with the needs and activities of its occupants , who may be compared with the living fire on the hearth !
5 Tizard , for example , mentions the need to support the natural parents to enable them to care adequately ; Kellmer Pringle has advocated payment for mothers who stay at home to care ; and a further interviewee who may be identified with the ‘ society-as-parent ’ view had this to say in answer to the argument that the 1975 Act put already powerless parents in an even more powerless position :
6 The matter of leadership , and who should be entrusted with it , was much discussed .
7 So when his interest in the affair peters out and he 'd rather not bump into you at the photocopier on a daily basis , it 's you who 'll be left with a P45 and a broken heart .
8 But it could just be the best way to get a balanced view about the future of the planet is to ask some of the remarkably well-informed people who 'll be left with the task of clearing up our mess .
9 She reviewed possible officials who might be contacted with profit , various other relations including her Uncle Willie , and influential members of the House of Lords .
10 Fiah was perhaps the only African in Tanganyika who could be compared with those behind West Africa 's press of the same period , men like Akikiwe , Danquah and Jackson .
11 In Wasim and Waqar , Pakistan had a pair of superb fast bowlers who could be compared with the best in any era of cricket .
12 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
13 He , too , took up the theme that it was unfair to encourage a person , who could be dying with each drink he took , to take more .
14 Someone who could be trusted with confidences , give advice , and yet not be constrained and influenced by being your parent .
15 She could only look on Roirbak as some kind of doctor who would be dealing with her intimately shortly .
16 I would be grateful if you could inform me of the person in your department who would be dealing with the register of Wildlife Sites .
17 Those who did not were also traitors , who would be replaced with his supporters .
18 Who would be paired with who ?
19 The inspections will be carried out at local level by independent inspectors who will be registered with Her Majesty 's Inspectorate , which will withdraw the registration of inspectors who are not up to standard .
20 It probably does not matter what title is held by the people who will be dealing with press enquiries , but what does matter is that they should be reasonably au fait with the company and its products .
21 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
22 But this will have adverse effects on remaining upstream firms , who will be faced with a thinner market over which to cover their costs , and may harm overall welfare .
23 Subsequent programmes will be received only by subscribers , who will be supplied with a decoder .
24 The production team is further boosted by the recruitment of award-winning Iona McLeish who will be working with resident-designer Charlotte Humpston , who recently received the ‘ Time Out London Theatre Award ’ for ‘ Heresies ’ at the RSC .
25 In some schools you will be asked to participate with other students in basic class work over a weekend ( as happens at the Bristol Old Vic drama school ) and in some you may find yourself being judged partly by senior students of the school who will be sitting with the faculty panel ( which is something that happens at Drama Centre ) .
26 Turrell , whose ‘ Grey dawn ’ is a new permanent installation at the Nordrhein-Westfalen Museum in Düsseldorf , is the first of several leading American artists who will be showing with Michael Hue-Williams in the coming months .
27 What you do need is the desire and determination to learn , and if you have that , you are well on the way to joining more than 100,000 men and women from every walk of life who will be studying with the Open University next year .
28 The term ‘ special children ’ immediately brings to mind certain groups of children : those with limited or no sight who can be provided with materials in an appropriate form — books in large print , books to be read with trained finger-tips , books to be heard ; those with hearing impairment who can fully utilize print and picture materials but who may not be given access to music ( the value of such access is demonstrated by the career of the distinguished percussionist Evelyn Glennie ) .
29 Why , simply because he is a doctor , should he assume that women will come as trusting , respectful , and , above all , compliant patients who can be dealt with quickly ?
30 Very few cases are brought and those which are generally relate to nuisances who can be dealt with in other ways .
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