Example sentences of "who [adv] [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Following the laughter C , who apparently can not see the photograph , asks " what was I wearing ? " : her London English response to the Creole comment which elicited the laughter .
2 The fact that growing numbers of students are making the personal decision to go into higher education each year suggests strongly that our system of student support , far from providing a deterrent , is encouraging more people to go into higher education , who perhaps would not have had the confidence to do so or the belief that it is appropriate for them .
3 They eliminate what I call the " instinct " reporter , who perhaps can not pass exams but who is still street-wise , intelligent and eager .
4 I know twenty men who just would not believe it . ’
5 There will be those who just can not get into gear , who will watch the private sector take over many of the functions which have been , previously been run by local government .
6 Its all this talk about ladies who are fat , what about ladies who are thin who just can not put on weight
7 Most houses had rows of jars with fermenting liquid — the only losers were the pubs who just could not compete with this almost free wine , which I remember — I had a sip or two when no-one was looking , was of sweet taste but with a real kick .
8 To the region 's Labour MPs who did support the Bill , the compliments of many ; a conscience brickbat to those ( my own included ) who just could not find time to do so .
9 Kathmandu : THE PRINCESS of Wales strained her ankle yesterday on a pebbly path in Nepal 's Himalayan foothills — but went on to tease puffing press photographers who still could not match her pace.The Princess walked briskly through the rough , rocky terrain on a walkabout during the second day of her solo visit to Nepal.After straining her ankle on a pebbled road in Dharan in eastern Nepal she began to limp slightly , but her pace still left Overseas Development Minister Baroness Chalker and several photographers gasping for breath.The Princess could not resist the temptation to chide them .
10 Does not the Secretary of State realise that thousands and thousands of people who still can not pay the poll tax are facing court action and warrant sales ?
11 But there is one person who still can not afford to be seen with The Quorn .
12 rebate to those people who genuinely can not pay the poll tax ?
13 Arrangements may have to be made for existing £6 membership who genuinely can not afford more but who would like to continue to receive the magazine .
14 The student , who usually can not distinguish between the judicious and the injudicious sorts , should avoid levity altogether .
15 We have just seen that the general rule is that since X is not the owner he can not confer ownership on Y , who similarly can not confer ownership on Z. If Z refuses to return the goods to O , O has a claim against Z for conversion of the goods .
16 The Court of Protection exists for people who really can not manage their own affairs , and have some reserves of property , capital , or income to handle .
17 In spite of this , there are those who really can not sing .
18 ’ The vast number of shoplifters are selfish , hard-up or just pathetic , but there are some who really can not help themselves , ’ he says .
19 The situation was not helped by Rigby 's parents who originally would not allow her to stay overnight in Leeds .
20 Even the most competent high-flier , it seems , feels totally inadequate when faced with a child who simply will not get down to work .
21 We have a lot of families in poverty who simply can not feed themselves . ’
22 I am considering a helpline for those who simply can not stop going into outdoor shops and buying aluminium water bottles .
23 Before the double dais sat a small , slight , unimpressive man who frequently could not recall , sometimes could not hear and peered at the briefing books through wire-rimmed glasses .
24 Some threatened evictions , it should be added , were arranged by collusion between farmers and workers in order to force the hand of local authorities who otherwise would not admit tied cottage tenants to their housing waiting lists .
25 They suggest that ‘ contemporary music is a means that God uses today to reach out to people who otherwise would not consider the truths of Christianity for themselves ’ .
26 Annual holiday camps are held for boys and girls from poorer families who otherwise would not get away , with costs paid by the RUC ; these are so popular that parents ring requesting that their children be allowed to go again .
27 When times were good , men married earlier and some were able to marry who otherwise could not have married at all — and vice versa .
28 And Thoburn 's research has shown that persistent social work can in fact bring about the return of children to natural parents who previously could not cope .
29 In the other the Lapith 's left hand must have been gripping the Centaur 's head ( lost ) while with his right he thrusts a weapon into the breast of the creature , who yet will not let go of his prize with either hand though with both hers she tugs at one .
30 Thus the car did not belong to the customer who therefore could not transfer ownership to X.
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