Example sentences of "so [that] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I even carried out a double-bluff of appearing slightly guilty for the wrong reasons , so that adults told me I should n't blame myself because I had n't been able to warn Paul in time .
2 Sally Greengross , Age Concern 's director , said : ‘ We need legal reforms and clear , nationally agreed guidelines so that professionals know what to do about elder abuse . ’
3 It provides links between businesses and students so that students know what the businesses need and the businesses know how they can influence the schools .
4 They may find it hard to adapt or compromise , so that others find them too rigid .
5 The managers could have improved motivation by printing target sheets or graphs of the store 's performance so that employees had something to aim for .
6 If you move outside City firms , it is far more difficult unless there has been a history of share schemes so that employees understand their value . ’
7 He called on the industry to create minimum standards for design and construction so that developers knew what they would get for their money .
8 The constant trickling from various ‘ water features ’ — intended to drown the sound of the trains in Charing Cross station below — is having a bladder-bursting effect on visitors , so much so that clients have their own water-free waiting area .
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