Example sentences of "so [adv] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I felt my parents ' anxieties about both their own and their children 's lives so keenly that they became my own , quite against my will , and I had to fight to reject them .
2 He attempted to plead insanity , but did it so effectively that they concluded he must be sane .
3 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
4 But the plains , savannahs , rivers and hills , all the way from Samburu down to the Masai Steppe , proved fruitful and the Masai built up their strength through the acquisition of women and cattle so successfully that they chased out the other tribes who were obliged to cling to the mountains or secrete themselves in the forests , land useless for cattle .
5 Vincent Canby in The New York Times felt that the film was often ‘ not terribly funny , at just those moments when it tries the hardest , and it sometimes wears its social concerns so blatantly that they look like warpaint ’ , but concluded that it ‘ is an important movie by one of our most interesting directors ’ .
6 For a while during the 1970s these counterurban tendencies were operating so powerfully that they replaced the North-South drift as a primary dimension of regional population change in Britain ( Champion , 1983 ) .
7 He could never trust his legs , especially when his shoes pinched so badly that they made his feet tingle and twitch with pins and needles .
8 One or two need to be kept on the cool side , otherwise they grow too fast and weaken themselves so badly that they die .
9 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
10 In some rocks their shells lie so thickly that they form solid bands .
11 They like foreigners so much that they dispute with one another as to who shall have and treat a foreigner in his house .
12 Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer .
13 The producers liked the idea so much that they decided to make a two part series full of dancing , celebrations , cookery and food .
14 The only purpose of this sweet liquid is to please insects so greatly that they become addicted to it and devote all possible time during the flowering season to collecting it .
15 Basil was the exact opposite of those to whom words come so easily that they do a minimum of preparation , and afterwards the listener has difficulty in remembering what has been said .
16 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
17 Many of the animals swim so quickly that they do not stay in sight for long .
18 Around them grew up short streets of cottages for the workpeople , run up so quickly that they look as though they were planted flat on the surface , without any foundations ; but still there was no congestion .
19 The three basic methods are gas and air , which many had used , some so enthusiastically that they ended up either very sleepy , or as one said , " as high as a kite " .
20 Who needs to speak to me so urgently that they lie me down on myriads of pebbles by a sun-scorched sea in the southern part of England ?
21 One or two stretch the notion of individual guilt so far that they embark on self-mutilation .
22 They admit that they get pissed off with bad gigs , not getting enough sleep and tour vans breaking down so often that they end up ‘ losing it ’ and crawling over the banks of motorways looking for crisp packets .
23 They worked on through the files for the rest of the morning , a routine they had been through so often that they commented mostly in half-sentences or barely audible grunts .
24 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
25 He uttered a great cry of anger and shame , without words , and then the words came following , so hotly that they burned in his throat :
26 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
27 ‘ Well , as we were looking in , we started laughing at them so loudly that they heard us , and sent the dogs after us .
28 Alvar Salvadores and his companions bestirred themselves so well that they drove the enemy to their tents , making great mortality among them , and then they turned back , whereat my Cid was well pleased ; but Alvar Salvadores went on , hacking and hewing all before him , for he thought the ladies were looking on , and he pressed forward so far , that being without succour he was taken .
29 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
30 If this happens , Tit for Tat individuals , cooperating with one another in cosy little local enclaves , may prosper so well that they grow from small local clusters into larger local clusters .
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