Example sentences of "so [adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They even have a language , so most definitely they possess a mind structure .
2 ‘ We all gave up our jobs , so right away we had six wages to pay .
3 Heterosexuals can marry but there is no such recognised category as ‘ gay marriage ’ ( except perhaps in Denmark ) , so right away we have to tear up the book of rules .
4 So right away you had Hawaiian choirs singing church music , but they tinged it with this Hawaiian melodic sense , which is like a different way of resolving a melody .
5 So right here we go .
6 Because we forgot to do , we forgot to do the spelling test last Friday , so we had to do it on Monday so we did n't get any spelling this week , so right now we did n't have a spelling test , this is brilliant , guess what we do now ?
7 ‘ I was a drummer when I started out and so right now I know what a group of seven is , or three or five or eight .
8 Also , despite what had occurred in the past between them , SHe needed Cab so badly now it hurt more than the bruises in hir belly .
9 It was because she spoke so slowly afterwards I did n't even realize it .
10 There was so much more he needed to know …
11 ‘ They do n't mind so much now I 've got a few trophies in a case that they can show their friends and boast about it , ’ Carlos Francis recollected his parents ' change of posture after it became evident that he could make a career out of soccer .
12 ‘ The scheme has been a great success — so much so we have decided to continue it , ’ he said .
13 Malcolm White , who retired as Headmaster at Gillott 's School in 1980 , has revitalised the Junior section in recent years , so much so it has 55 members under 18 ( 53 boys and 2 girls ) .
14 These have been around so long even I played with them when I was a boy and I 'll bet Kirsty did too .
15 After all , it was n't so long ago they had the THREE Arvedladze brothers bearing down on them in Dinamo Tbilisi shirts .
16 Congress , not so long ago we had Panorama and I T V , and I congratulate both of 'em , for highlighting to the world the problems of temporary and low paid part-time workers , where one agent went under cover and where Panorama highlighted that temporary working conditions , not of back-street sweatshops , not of the little corner shops down the road , or th or the little needlework factories , but of E M I , one of our biggest producers in this country , that they were employing labour for one year eleven months and twenty eight days and then sacking 'em .
17 Well I do n't know , we had , not so long ago we had National Dormouse Week did n't we further in the autumn
18 The thing between himself and Isobel had been so long ago he had difficulty remembering it , and it had been a mistake from the first .
19 Not so long ago it seemed as if the world was to divide into three main trading blocks : the EC based around the West German economy ; a Northern American block based around the US-Canadian free trade area , and a Pacific unit incorporating the Asian tigers with Japan and the yen at the centre .
20 NOT SO LONG AGO it seemed that we had very nearly lost our fairy tale beasts .
21 Indeed , not so long ago I received another letter from an American woman who came to Wells two years ago .
22 To think that not so long ago I had been one of these creatures , peddling off through the drizzle to a dead-end job !
23 Is the Chancellor aware that not so long ago I met a chap in Blackpool who said to me , ’ When you see that Chancellor of the Duchy , tell him that I want to give him a piece of my mind : not only is the poll tax three times higher than the rates , but I have lost my job , my wife has been waiting for an operation for two years , my daughter has lost her maternity grant through this Tory Government and my son has lost his income support — so when you see the chairman of the Tory party , will you tell him that I want to meet him to discuss this matter at the top of the Blackpool Tower ? ’
24 Not so long ago I obtained some cheap PD/shareware disks where some of the programs were of 1986 and 1987 vintage !
25 ‘ Now I can speak of Callanish , ’ Minch continued more slowly , ‘ where my ancestors flew and where once so long ago I cast my shadow down . ’
26 Not so long ago she had been loved and cherished with the world at her feet , now she was a woman alone .
27 Yeah , that females are there to do their deed for the species or the race or whatever an and er and indeed I mean not so long ago you know in our own country I mean
28 Such entertainments by Indians at stations which not so long earlier they had attacked became commonplace .
29 A man who has been living on the verge of success for so long now he 's been elected mayor , PIERCE TURNER is nonetheless happy , And with one of the year 's best albums , ‘ Now Is Heaven ’ , under his belt , why should n't he be ?
30 So so really you 've got er I was out on the medical practices so I know how successful that can be .
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